This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Cottenden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Module 1-Intro and Neuroanatomy
Three types of reproductive proce...,
44  cards
module 2-Female Reproductive anatomy
Functions of the ovary,
Main hormones released by ovary,
Configuration layers of ovary
37  cards
Module 2-Male reproductive anatomy
Where is the cytoplasmic droplet ...,
Function of vas deferens,
Seminal vesicles
10  cards
How does the endocrine system work,
Steps for endocrine communication,
Father of endocrinology
66  cards
Test 1 Fertility Fun Facts
What animal was able to switch fr...,
How long was the female leopard s...,
Where and when was the first birt...
10  cards
sex determination and differentiation
What do green spoon worms release...,
Homogametic sex,
Heterogametic sex
67  cards
Module 6-spermatogenesis
What male mammal lacks the y chro...,
What activates sox9 in amami spin...,
What is dna wrapped around in sperm
60  cards
module 7-estrous cycle
Who is considered the pioneer of ...,
What did dr wayne bardin do,
What is mirena when was it fda ap...
48  cards
When was the first 3 parent child...,
What is the purpose of a three pa...,
Components of the oocyte
20  cards
ovulation and luteal function
What species is parthenogenesis o...,
What is parthenogenesis,
What events does the pre ovulatio...
18  cards
Gamete Transport
How are sperm and oocytes release...,
How long does motility last for t...,
What is the name of the hole trou...
22  cards
Steps of acrosome reaction,
Function of zp 1,
Function of zp 2
12  cards
embryo development
What is the survival rate of thaw...,
How long were the embryos frozen ...,
Totipotency definition
20  cards
assistive reproductive technologies
When was copy cat cc cloned,
Who was cc s genetic donor what t...,
Why are calico cats almost always...
18  cards
quiz questions
Dictyate definition,
What molecules play a fundamental...,
What proteins form gap junctions ...
28  cards
maternal recognition of pregnancy
Conceptus definition,
Luteotropic signal,
Anti luteolytic signal
27  cards
What is intrauterine competition ...,
What is placental implantation,
What type of placental attachment...
28  cards
What animal was an artificial wom...,
Why is creating an artificial wom...,
What initiates parturition
27  cards

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