This class was created by Brainscape user Ella Harris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Male repro
Overview of sperm course,
What are the testes within,
What is the capsule called that s...
46  cards
Female repro anatomy
Overview of female repro anatomy,
Why are sharp pains often felt at...,
Why do nuns tend to get ovarian c...
41  cards
The pelvic floor
Function of the pelvic floor,
What do pelvic floor muscles form,
Where are the pelvic floor muscle...
45  cards
Embryology - Development of repro
3 stages of development before bi...,
What happens in pre embryonic period,
What happens in embryonic period
47  cards
What happens in gametogensis 4 steps,
Gametes and chromosomes,
Oogenesis vs spermatogenesis
64  cards
Puberty and HPG axis
What is puberty,
What development occurs during pu...,
When are primary sexual character...
85  cards
Menstrual cycle
When does the menstrual cycle beg...,
Average menstrual cycle length,
What are the two cycles occuring ...
52  cards
Menstrual disorders
Wat is amenorrhoea,
What is oligomenorrhoea,
What is menorrhagia
73  cards
What is menopause,
What is climacteric or perimenopause,
Menopause transition what is it
67  cards
What makes up semen,
Where is the seminal plasma deriv...,
Function of semen
60  cards
Infections of the repro tract
What are the two ways infections ...,
Sti s,
Non sti s
75  cards
Define contraception,
3 different methods that contrace...,
Categories of contraception
61  cards
Define infertility,
Primary infertility,
Secondary infertility
30  cards
The placenta
When does the placenta begin to d...,
What is the focus of development ...,
Importance of placenta what happe...
70  cards
Maternal physiology
Why does the body need to adapt d...,
What drives the adaptations of pr...,
Why do changes in immunity occur ...
62  cards
Fetal Growth and Devlopment
When does the foetal period begin,
What happens during the fetal period,
3 periods of embryo
70  cards
Fetal physiology
Where does maternofoetal exchange...,
Fetal circulation and what carrie...,
What are the 3 mechanisms which f...
37  cards
Labour and birth
Define labour,
How does labour occur,
3 key processes of labour
70  cards
The post-partum period
When is the post partum period,
What happens during post partum p...,
How is a new mum looked after
57  cards
Imaging the repro tract
Most common imaging for the repro...,
Other imaging for repro tract,
Why is ct not used first line for...
60  cards
Tumours of Repro Tract 1
Possible presentations of cancer ...,
What is a tumour,
Neoplasm definition
52  cards
Tumours of the repro tract 2
How common is endometrial cancer,
Age of peak endometrial cancer,
Presentation of endometrial cancer
53  cards

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