This class was created by Brainscape user Monet Freeman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

WEEK 1: Nutrition
Which is the best research study ...,
What is meant by the phrase dieta...,
What are the three different leve...
308  cards
WEEK 2: Managing Pain
What is nociceptive pain,
What is neuropathic pain caused by,
Nociplastic pain arises from alte...
54  cards
WEEK 3: Thyroid and Parathyroid
What are the two major communicat...,
What are the maincauses of endocr...,
T of fevery cell in the body is r...
158  cards
WEEK 4: Adrenal
Each adrenal gland is made up of ...,
Which part of the adrenal gland p...,
Which part of the adrenal gland p...
92  cards
WEEKS 5 & 6: Pancreas and Diabetes
The average adult human has about...,
Humans derive energy from food in...,
During digestion we absorb from c...
99  cards
WEEK 7: Reproductive Health Female
Reproductive Health: Female
104  cards
WEEK 8: Reproductive Health Male
Reproductive Health: Male
127  cards
WEEK 9: Gastrointestinal Health
T or fmost of the gi tract can fu...,
T or fthe cavities of the gi trac...,
What is the nervous system of the...
189  cards
WEEK 10: Gastrointestinal Health
What does motility refer to,
Gastric motility is regulated by ...,
What is the purpose of gastrointe...
76  cards
WEEK 11: Mental Health
T or f poor mental health is the ...,
Mental is a broad term and refers...,
Mental health refers to what four...
110  cards
WEEK 12: Mental Health
What are the diagnostic indicator...,
How does depression compare to ge...,
Which neurotransmitters are of ke...
109  cards
WEEK 13: Mental Health
T or fthere are 3 types of bipola...,
Type 2 bipolar disorder is charac...,
Extreme highs in bipolar are called
88  cards

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