This class was created by Brainscape user Zazelia Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

How it works in patient friendly ...,
Adverse effects,
Counselling points
3  cards
How it works,
Side effects,
Counselling points
3  cards
What ssris are used for,
What are the side effects of ssris,
What are counselling points of ssris
3  cards
What are snris used for,
What are the side effects of snris,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
What are maois used for,
What are the side effects of maois,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
What are tcas used for,
What are the side effects of tcas,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
How does metformin work in patien...,
What are the side effects of metf...,
What are counselling points for m...
3  cards
Atypical Antipsychotics
0  cards
Typical Antipsychotics
0  cards
How do sulfonylureas work,
What are the side effects of sulf...,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
GLP-1 Analogues
How does glp 1 work patient frien...,
What are the side effects of glp 1,
What are the counselling points o...
4  cards
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors
0  cards
Sodium-glucose Co-transporter 2 Inhibitors
0  cards
0  cards
Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitors
How do xanthine oxidase inhibitor...,
What are the side effects of xant...,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
How do thioamides work patient fr...,
What are the side effects of thio...,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
Proton Pump Inhibitors
How do proton pump inhibitors work,
What are the side effects of prot...,
What are the counselling points o...
3  cards
0  cards
D2 Antagonists
0  cards
5HT-3 Antagonists
0  cards
Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors
0  cards
Prostoglandin E1
0  cards
0  cards
Alpha-1 Adrenergic Antagonists
0  cards
Emergency Contraceptives
0  cards
Combined Oral Contraceptives
0  cards
Oestrogen Patch
0  cards
The Mini Pill
0  cards
0  cards

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phrm2101 osce

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