food animal therio

This class was created by Brainscape user Ashley Houser. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Bovine Repro phys and synch programs
How long is the estrous cycle of ...,
How long does estrus behavior las...,
How long is diestrus in cattle
26  cards
Dairy Cow Repro
What does the dairy cow lactation...,
What is the time frame expressed ...,
Why do dairy cows ever go to the ...
22  cards
Bull BSE and Repro Diseases
What should you always do before ...,
What are the general components o...,
Why is transrectal palpation a co...
36  cards
Cow Infertility and Reproductive Diseases
What are the 4 types of reproduct...,
Define pregnancy wastage,
Define infertility
38  cards
Beef Cattle Repro management
What percent of greenhouse emissi...,
What type of gas is methane,
What is the goal of beef cow calf...
17  cards
Bovine Abortions
What cows should you assess first...,
What should you always submit to ...,
What does campylobacteriosis usua...
52  cards
Replacement Heifers
In which system beef vs dairy is ...,
In which system beef vs dairy is ...,
Compare and contrast first calf h...
24  cards
Small Ruminant Repro Management
What does it mean that small rumi...,
T f the closer to the equator she...,
Describe the physiology of the se...
46  cards
Male Small Ruminant BSEs and Repro Diseases
When should the ram buck bse be p...,
What are the main things that should,
What is unique about the male sma...
32  cards
Female small ruminant infertility and abortion
What should you ask look for on y...,
What are some specific diagnostic...,
Describe some of the main toxic p...
32  cards
Swine Repro
Describe the basic anatomy of the...,
T f it is common for the prolific...,
Describe the basic physiology of ...
92  cards
Camelid and Exotic Repro
When are domestic camelids typica...,
T f camelids do not typically dis...,
What is unique about the ovulatio...
37  cards

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food animal therio

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