This class was created by Brainscape user aryan gupta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Introduction to the endocrine system
Define endocrine system,
How do tissues detect hormones,
How does neural communication work
34  cards
the hypothalamus and pituitary
What kind of function does the hy...,
What kind of chemicals are releas...,
What connects the hypothalamus to...
37  cards
The endocrine pancreas
Give a summary of the glucostatic...,
Give a summary of lipostatic theory,
What is the function of leptin
68  cards
endocrine control of growth and disorders of growth
What hormones are associated with...,
What is another name for growth h...,
What hormones are mainly influenc...
33  cards
The thyroid gland
What are the thyroid hormones,
What are the two cell types in th...,
What do c clear cells secrete
24  cards
adrenal gland
What are the two separate endocri...,
What is the adrenal medulla,
What is the adrenal cortex
35  cards
endocrine control of calcium balance
What are the roles of calcium in ...,
What is the effect of hypocalcaem...,
What is tetany
44  cards
The pituitary gland (clinical case and discussion)
What does hyper secretion of grow...,
What does hyper secretion of acth,
What does hyper secretion of prol...
30  cards
clinical thyroid disease - hypothyroidism
What are the three main parts of ...,
How is the release of t3 and t4 s...,
What causes the negative feedback...
20  cards
Clinical thyroid disease - hyperthyroidism
What condition shows a raised t3 ...,
What condition shows a raised tsh...,
What condition shows a low tsh an...
23  cards
clinical thyroid disease - thyroid tumours and goitre
What are physiological causes of ...,
What are the autoimmune causes of...,
What are the less common causes o...
18  cards
functional anatomy and approach to endocrine disorders
What are the different parts of t...,
What does t,
What does the zona glomerulosa pr...
11  cards
hypofunction of adrenal gland
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is another name for primary ...,
What does a positive adrenal auto...
19  cards
Hyperfunction of adrenal gland - cushing's and conn's syndrome
What are the endocrine causes of ...,
What is primary hyperaldosteronism,
24  cards
Phaechryocytoma and other adrenal disorders
What is phaeochromocytoma,
What are the symotoms in phaeochr...,
8  cards
clinical calcium homeostasis - physiology
What are the functions of calcium,
What state does calcium have to b...,
Why is a lot of calcium excreted
19  cards
Clcium homeostasis - hypocalcaemia
What are the acute clinical featu...,
What is the serum calcium at whic...
20  cards
Clinical calcium homeostasis - hypercalcaemia
What does a calcium serum level o...,
What are the renal clinical featu...,
What are gi clinical features of ...
20  cards
growth, puberty and paediatric problems
How do you calculate the mid pare...,
How do you calculate the mid pare...,
What is the first size of the tes...
28  cards
endocrine surgery
What is the function of endocrine...,
What stimulates the release of th...,
What is the effect of thyroid hor...
41  cards
pathology of endocrine diseases
What mantains the blance of hor,
What does the pineal gland secrete,
Describe a benign neoplasia
52  cards
pathology of diabetes and it's complications
What are the majority of islet of...,
What do beta cells secrete,
What stimulates insulin
17  cards
Immunology of the endocrine system
What gender is most autoimmune co...,
What are tolerogens,
What is immunological tolerance
31  cards
What is diabetes mellitus
What hormone dominates the absorp...,
What is insulins affect on adipos...,
What is the effect of insulin on ...
32  cards
Management of type 1 diabetes
What are the common symptoms of t...,
What is the immediate test for di...,
What insulin is given to new t1 d...
16  cards
Management of type 2 diabetes
Which gender is diabetes more com...,
What increases risk of diabetetes,
What drugs cause increase in insu...
43  cards
lifestyle and exercise/healthy eating
What is the definition of a healt...,
What factors contribute to health...,
What risk factors are diabetes ty...
16  cards
Long term complications of diabetes
What are the two categories of di...,
What are the macrovascular compli...,
What are the microvascular diabet...
18  cards
Clinical biochemistry in diabetes
When is glucose checked in diabetes,
When is hba1c checked in diabetes,
When is the albumin creatinine ur...
16  cards
Management of obesity
What are the 4 tiers of managemen...,
What is the only licensed pharmac...,
What is the function of orlistat
14  cards

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