This class was created by Brainscape user Liam Lennox. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Introduction to the Endocrine System
What is the endocrine system,
What is a hormone,
What is a neurohormone
77  cards
The Pituitary Gland
What organs are the main organise...,
What is the hypothalamus connecte...,
What are the 2 lobes of the pitui...
72  cards
Pathology of Diabetes Mellitus
What is the pancreas composed of,
What part of the pancreas is the ...,
How many of the islet of langerha...
31  cards
The Endocrine Pancreas 1
What is meant by the steady state,
What centres impact the amount of...,
What is activity in both feeding ...
72  cards
The Endocrine Pancreas 2
What class of hormone is glucagon,
What is the primary function of g...,
What is the plasma half life of g...
53  cards
Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes
What instrument is used to measur...,
As well as standing height what o...,
How is head circumferance in chil...
72  cards
Normal Growth and Clinical Aspects
What are examples of some things ...,
What is the classification of gro...,
What is growth hormone gh also ca...
60  cards
What is Diabetes Mellitus
What is diabetes mellitus,
What are symptoms of hyperglycaemia,
What is polydipsia
56  cards
Calcium Homeostasis
What are some roles of calcium in...,
How does calcium have a signallin...,
How does calcium have a membrane ...
69  cards
The Adrenal Gland
Where are the adrenal glands located,
What does each adrenal gland weig...,
What are the two seperate endocri...
73  cards
The Thyroid Gland
What does the thyroid gland weigh,
What are the 2 physiologically ac...,
What is t3 also known as
40  cards
Clinical Biochemistry
What does poct stand for,
What does point of care testing p...,
In diabetes what are examples of ...
3  cards
Management of Diabetes, Lifestyle and Exercise
What are some examples of things ...,
What are examples of lifestyle th...,
What are some things that makes d...
34  cards
Management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
What are the aims of diabetic man...,
What symptoms should be considere...,
What are some categories of strat...
58  cards
Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Part 1
What is the prevalence of type 2 ...,
Does diabetes affect more men or ...,
Who is in the diabetes team
44  cards
Immunology of Endocrine Disorders
What is autoimmunity,
What are antigens,
What is autoimmune disease
136  cards
Clinical Aspects of Pituitary Disease
What are the endocrine orgons,
What are the different classifica...,
What are examples of diseases cau...
39  cards
Clinical Aspects of Adrenal Disorders
What does each layer of the adren...,
What are the classification of ad...,
Explain the common approach to tr...
66  cards
Clinical Thyroid Disease
What are some examples of thyroid...,
Give a summary of the hormones in...,
What is the clinical manifestatio...
67  cards
Pathology of Endocrine System 1
What is the endocrine system,
What do hormones act on,
What are some examples of effects...
76  cards
Pathology of Endocrine System 2
Where is the pituitary gland located,
What is the pituitary gland conne...,
What are the 2 distinct component...
74  cards
Long Term Complications of Diabetes
What do risk of complications wor...,
What are some macrovascular compi...,
What are some microvascular compl...
28  cards
Clinical Calcium Homeostasis
What are some dietary sources of ...,
What are some functions of calcium,
What percentage of calcium is fou...
50  cards
Diet and Lifestyle Approaches for Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Is the prevalence of obesity incr...,
What is the broad aim of clinical...,
Is there a relationship between b...
21  cards
Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Part 2
What are incretins,
How is the incretin effect altere...,
What are the 2 types of incretins
30  cards
Management of Obesity
Is the prevalence of obesity incr...,
What are some co morbidities that...,
What are the 1st and 2nd top caus...
17  cards

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endocrine system

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