a spanish words from lessons

This class was created by Brainscape user Maggie G. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

238  cards
Stem changing verbs in preterite tense
Pearl for stem changes in preteri...,
Verbs that exhibit stem changes i...,
7  cards
Irregular end changing verbs in preterite tense
What are the three groups of the ...,
Endings pearls,
Pearl for irregular verbs in pret...
7  cards
Irregular verbs in preterite tense
What is the pearl of irregular ve...,
What are the three groups of the ...,
What verbs are in the u group
31  cards
Difference between preterite and imperfect tense
What are the uses of imperfect,
What are the uses of preterite,
9  cards
What is a possessive,
Rule about possessives,
6  cards
Direct Object vs Indirect Object
What is the direct object,
What do we use to indicate a dire...,
Can you name actual direct object...
12  cards
Future conjugation
Future tense has 2 types,
Conjugation for simple future,
Conjugate hablar in simple future
11  cards
Perfect tenses/haber
What are the 2 types of perfect t...,
What is past perfect,
What is present perfect
20  cards
What is the structure of the prog...,
Which tenses are progressive best...,
What are the endings
7  cards
41  cards
Por vs Para
Cause or motive to denote the cau...,
Reason to denote the reason of an...,
Approximation to express an appro...
28  cards
Ser vs Estar
Ser vs estar,
Ser or estar yo alto,
La ciudad de mexico una de las ci...
8  cards
De vs A
Possession to indicate possession...,
Origin to express origin or natio...,
Material to denote the material s...
18  cards
de/con verbs
Acabar de,
Depender de,
Tratar de
16  cards
Haber conjugationthere was or the...,
Haber conjugation there used to be
9  cards
Hacer present,
Hacer pretirite
6  cards

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a spanish words from lessons

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