This class was created by Brainscape user nina dorego. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Periodontal disease- risk factors
What kind of disease is pd and wh...,
Why is bop a risk marker and not ...,
What are local risk factors for p...
23  cards
Periodontal disease and smoking
Why are pack years important,
How do you calculate pack years,
What must you always ask smokers
19  cards
periodontal disease- diabetes and pregnancy
Explain the relationship between ...,
What is the difference between ty...,
What does diabetes cause
28  cards
Periodontal disease- tx planning and therapy
What types of scalers are there,
What is the sonic scaler,
What is the uss
41  cards
periodontal disease- healing
What is the result of periodontal...,
Why should you not probe pockets ...,
What should be checked and assess...
15  cards
What is the difference between tr...,
What are causes of true recession,
What are the two types of recessi...
6  cards
Are furcations seen on radiograph...,
What teeth should you check,
What is used to check furcation a...
6  cards
dentine hypersensitivity
What causes dentine hypersensivity,
What is found within dentine tubules,
When does secondary dentine form
7  cards
periodontal disease- diagnosis
What are the symptoms of clinical...,
What are the symptoms of gingivitis,
What are the clinical signs and s...
47  cards
classifications of periodontal disease
What is clinical gingival health ...,
What are the 3 classifications fo...,
What are the 3 categories of plaq...
23  cards
Periodontal disease- microbiology
What is a plaque biofilm,
How is plaque part of the host de...,
Describe how plaque forms on the ...
39  cards

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1. periodontal disease finals

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