This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Bellantoni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Intro to Periodontics I
What are the macroscopic clinical...,
What are the microscopic clinical...,
Describe the marginal free gingiva
69  cards
What are the factors involved in ...,
What bacteria lead to gingival in...,
Gingival inflammation alters
84  cards
Week 3 Immunology Lecture
Describe gingivitis,
What epithelium is involved with ...,
Describe periodontitis
113  cards
Wk 4 Periodontial Health Gingival Disease
Describe the marginal free gingiva,
Describe the gingival sulcus,
Describe the attached gingivs
99  cards
Week 5- Periodontal Staging and Grading
What are the stages of severity o...,
What is the gold standard for cat...,
Aap formed a task force in 2015 t...
60  cards
Week 7 - Acute Periodontal Lesions and Mucogingival Conditions
What are the acute periodontal le...,
What percentage of all emergency ...,
What is the prevelance of dental ...
58  cards
Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases
What are necrotizing periodontal ...,
What is necrotizing periodontal d...,
What is the nomenclature for necr...
58  cards
Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
Diseases and conditions that can ...,
What are the systemic disorders t...,
What are the genetic disorders th...
61  cards
Traumatic Occlusal Forces
What is occlusal trauma,
What are the occlusal forces,
Where may occlusal trauma occur
61  cards
What is the clinical presentation...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What is the etiology of endo perio
28  cards
Overview of Implantology
What is a dental implant,
What are the 3 pieces that make u...,
What are the types of implants
100  cards
Prognosis Re-evaluation and Maintenance
What is prognosis,
What are the steps in delivering ...,
What is a diagnostic prognosis
74  cards
Current use of Antibiotics and Antimicrobials
What is the philosophy of treatment,
What is the effective antimicrobial,
Cumulative oral dosage can have t...
27  cards

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periodontics i

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