Contents Theology 3 Flashcards

Deck 1: origin of eternal life delusion
1.  Resurrection originated in Egypt.
Pyramid points to heaven.
2.  Thought king was a god.
Book of dead.  Tomb stocked for afterlife.
3.  Food scraps left in grave.
Man invented saviors to assist into heaven.
4.  Synchronization of gods.
Religious rituals invented.
5.  Females marry age 12 to 14.
Half the world have no bathroom.
6.  Arranged marriage.
Magic spells.  Arranged marriages.
7.  Sun and set gods.
Egyptians 99% illiterate.  No schools.

Deck 2: BR__Christianity is not great.
1. Battles and wars of Religion summary.
All about Faith.
2. Christianity causes more harm than good. A man made religion.
Horror stories of Christian violence.
3. What good has the church done?
Church opposed to science.
4. The Middle ages church knew all about life after the grave, but nothing about the world they lived in.
5. (P.57)Magical thinking and blind faith are the worst mental system and it allows the most outrageous lies to be accepted as facts.
6. (Chapters 4 & 5) The Crusades and inquisitions.
7. (p.94) More slaughtering of other countries that believed differently.
8. Spanish Inquisition 49,000 arrests and 10,000 deaths. The 30 years war.
9. (Chapter 6) Witch hunts, torture and Crusades. Tens of thousands of supposed witches killed. Chapter and verse of Bible reference of witches being real.
10. Black death. Around 100 million people killed. Deaths blamed on Jews and witchcraft. Trial by Ordeal becomes the standard law.
11. The Enlightenment. Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
Christians change some beliefs, but not their core belief of eternal life and God.
12. (Chapter 7) World missionary program begins for the savage new world. Native people are captives. Troublemakers are exterminated.

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Deck 3: So you believe ….

  1. Speckled goats from viewing tree branches stripped of bark.
  2. The Universe was created Oct. 23, 4004 BCE
  3. God created the sabbath day. (Constantine)
  4. Tower of Babel caused all the world’s languages.
  5. The gospels were written by the disciples. Verbatim sentences 50 years after the event.
  6. The illiterate disciples wrote the gospels in Koine Greek. Disciples and Jesus spoke Aramaic and were illiterate.
  7. That light was created on 1st day but Sun on 4th day.
  8. The universe is 6,000 years old, but we view galaxies Billions of light years away today.
  9. God made Elisha’s iron axe head float in water to retrieve it, but God ignored the pleas for help and let the Titanic sink, killing 1,500.
  10. That Disciples are told to spread the good news to all the world but Jesus makes no mention of the new world which is discovered in 1492.
  11. Jesus makes no corrections to the Bible. Does not admit that diseases are caused by something called germs, not that the person has a demon in him.

Deck 4: Did you know?

  1. No witnesses for the Gospels. Written in 3rd person.
  2. Gospels written from 1 to 3 generations after Jesus.
  3. Gospels not named until 5th Century.
  4. New Testament not created until 5th Century.
  5. Originally over 100 Gospels. Took 400 years to decide who and what Jesus was.
  6. Did you know Christmas was outlawed in the United States for 67 years? Also it was outlawed off and on for 200 years in different countries.
  7. Christmas, the Yule log, the phrase “Born again” and the 12 days of Christmas were invented in 940 BCE in Scandinavia.
  8. Did you know nearly every God and Savior was born on Christmas? Also virgin births. Also the most powerful ancient rulers born on Christmas. There are millions of Gods and thousands of saviors. Original God for Christmas was Saturn.
  9. Book of Revelations is a romantic allegory describing the Apocalypse. Revelations was taken out and put back into the Bible several times.
  10. The popular “Passion Play” of Jesus beaten, and suffering was taken almost verbatim from the popular play “The Bacchae”. Bible claims of what Jesus said and did was done earlier by popular Gods and saviors. Statue of Liberty wearing crown of Apollo. All moon missions named Apollo. Days of week named after Gods. Planets except Earth, named for Gods.
  11. Jesus was not crucified on a cross. The cross wasn’t invented until the late 4th or 5th century. The Bible never explicitly says that Jesus died on a cross. It says he was crucified upon a tree, three times! KJV of Bible says SEVEN times that Jesus will return before disciples and high priest die. That was over 2,000 years ago. He never came back!
  12. The word Easter from the ancient Goddess Eastra, goddess of Spring. AKA Eostre and Ostra. in 323, Constantine decided Jesus died on a Sunday and he named the event Easter, in honor of Eastra. The Easter story comes from the ancient God “Attis”. The body of Attis was eaten by his followers, just like we do today with the Eucharist.
  13. On March 7th, 321 CE, Constantine named the day “Sunday” and declared it a day of rest in honor of his favorite Sun god, Sol Ivictus. The church picked the dates for Jesus’ crucifixion in the 7th century!
  14. Catholic sign of the cross was taken from the Greek God, Hermes. Hermes used this sign to summon the God Zeus! Hermes’ staff with a snake on it is on ambulances, hospital uniforms, and our own CDC and world health center ICONS.
  15. All the religions we have today are a mixture of ancient religions. This is called “Syncretism”
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Deck 5: BR__The happy Atheist

  1. If you tried to get a sign on a bus or place on a billboard about the Bible being a canard and that Gods are all imaginary, they would never do it because it would upset billions of people.
  2. Aztec priest ripped the beating hearts out of prisoners to keep the sun rising every day.
  3. The original sin was mythology. They never existed. Nobody needs to die to protect me from a fairy tale.
  4. So long as the goodies are in an invisible afterlife, it is hard to take them seriously.
  5. Religious promises are nothing but people making stuff up based on what they wish were true.

Deck 6: Our Eternal existence past, present and future

  1. Your DNA laid out would reach to the moon and back three thousand times.
  2. One single strand of DNA typed out in #12 font would be a string of characters 30 million feet long! This is 5,850 miles!
  3. A 99% match of a character string 30 million feet long is extremely strong evidence.
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Deck 7: BR__Creating Christ. How Roman Emperors invented Christianity

  1. In Rome, religion and politics were one.
  2. In Rome, all Gods were worshiped equally. Until the Monotheistic Jews. Then syncretism of all Gods into one became popular. Roman government made Jesus into the expected Jewish messiah.
  3. In the 4th century Christians began modifying the scriptures of previous writers in order to make them more consistent with their current beliefs.
  4. It has only been 3 centuries for anyone to publicly question religion without a death penalty.
  5. The invention of Christianity was just a ploy to stop rebellion.
  6. Foreign coins depicting pagan deities could not be used to purchase animals for sacrifice at the temple in Jerusalem. This explains why there were money changers at the temple where Jesus overturned the tables.
  7. The Colosseum was originally called the Flavian Amphitheater. It was built from spoils of the Jewish was.
  8. The Roman Emperor Vespasian performed the exact same healing miracles that Jesus did in the Gospels.
  9. MN: I am a polytheist because I know man created millions of gods.
  10. The Pagan death bird builds a nest of frankincense and myrrh.
  11. Giving up your own blood in death was very popular by kings and princes in times of pestilence, in order to save their fellow citizens for destruction. MN: the blood of salvation. The BLOOD OF SALVATION. Here it is! It was a ritual of royalty to sacrifice yourself to save the pagan kingdom. This was written into the story of Jesus! LOC. 2535
  12. MN: Further explains why gospels were written generations after the fact. Gospels were vetted by Roman government. A hundred other historical gospels were destroyed by the early Catholic church in the dark ages.
  13. The book says the whole purpose of the surviving gospels was to make Flavin Titus the long anticipated Jewish Messiah. But Titus was not Jewish!
  14. MN: This explains why Jesus never came back, because Flavin Titus became the return of Jesus as a different person, Flavin Titus. The Jews didn’t buy it ergo we have the people thousands of years later looking for JESUS TO COME BACK. Loc. 4260
  15. Both Vespasian and his son, Titus, were worshiped as savior gods even long after their deaths.
  16. For Romans, it was their instinct to syncretize the religious source of conflict into a cultural justification.
  17. Religions have endured for millennia by adapting over time to accommodate different eras and cultures.

Deck 8: Bible Fact or Fiction

  1. The card describes how conquers commonly used syncretism to pacify the newly conquered people.
  2. Card #2 shows how this even happens today using St. Francis as an example.
  3. Card #3 shows how religion was law for over a thousand years. Also the quotes of famous men were credited to Jesus.
  4. Shows O.T. examples Gildamish, walls of Jericho, Moses given ten commandments. David and Goliath.
  5. There is no you. Your body is not you. Explains Amygdala and neurons.
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Deck 9: Cultural Inheritance: How we got to here
1. How did the Roman Catholic church start? Constantine decides on one Rome and one God.
2. Constantine takes the reigns of Christianity. A brutal sociopath murders his son, decaptiated his brother in law and kills his wife by boiling her alive.
3. Nicaea. Not everyone invited to vote. Happened 300 years after Jesus born. Constantine declares Sabbath as Sunday, on March 7th, 321 CE. Jesus said it was Saturday! Sunday says Constantine in honor of his sun God, Sol Ivictus. Also it is to be celebrated on Dec. 25th! Also, the Trinity is invented.
4. Free thinkers bred out. Thousands of cultural religions merged into Jewish, Christian and Muslim. Where we get our memes of today.
5. Religion a unifer of humans. Saviors a dime a dozen at the time Jesus was alive.
6. Book of John the “Plan B” the fix to explain why Jesus never came back. Only the people who accepted this fake news allowed to live. Many thousands of dissenters were exterminated.
7. Religions become missionary in nature. Hundreds of thousands choose death rather than conversion. The Crusades kills and tortures nonbelievers. In WWII, opposing religions wee killed off, like the Jewish people.
Card #8. Polytheistic gods came back renamed as saints. Saints and domains are listed. Dualism explained.
Card #9. The reason for crusades and Jihads. Dualism equals terrorism.
Card #10. Syncretism is the great world religion. Explains all the copy and paste of miracles and quotations. Palm Sunday. Getting laws from the mountaintop like Moses. Parting the seas. Raising dead. Walking on water. etc.
Card #11. Communism is a missionary type government. America starts pledge of Allegiance 1954. Adopt “In God we trust” our motto.


Deck 10: Christianity knowledge base

  1. Each gospel defines a different plan for salvation. Each culture has it’s own story of creation. Historical records show dozens of saviors.
  2. New Testament written 400 years after Jesus was born and in a foreign language!
  3. Sociopath Constantine starts Christianity development. Do you think that God places rainbows after a storm? People speak different languages because of tower of Babel?
  4. Catholic official date for creation of universe Oct. 23, 4004 BCE at exactly 0900!
  5. If the Bible were true we would not have things like, coal, diamonds, caves gasoline.
  6. If the Bible were true we would not have a sky full of stars.
  7. Jesus said “ask ANYTHING in my name and I will do it for you. If true, we would not have hospitals, cemeteries, Ambulances, emergency rooms, trauma centers, operation rooms, car insurance, armies. Gods are all geographical.
  8. Would a smart God send his message for all future ages in a time when illiteracy is over 99%? In a time when they thought lightning bolts are thrown by Gods? Ships are sunk by the God Poseidon? There were over 100 gospels, but only four got into the Bible, the rest were burned in the dark ages.
  9. Christmas outlawed off and on for 200 years. Outlawed in America for 67 years! Constantine names Sunday the Sabbath in honor of the Sun God, Sol Invictus.
  10. The church chose the dates for crucifixion and his resurrection in the 7th century!
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Card #11. Doublets of Bible/Faith fails
1. Bible contains multiple creation stories. Vegetation exists before the sun and stars, also we have plant life before the Sun was created. Temp would be near absolute zero, 450 below!
2. No three Kings. No manger. No fleeing to Egypt. The Christmas story is a mixture of the gospels story. Facts not important.
3. Joseph not in bloodline of Jesus, yet it list all his ancestors of the bloodline!
4. Gospel of John shows extended conversations with Pilate who was behind closed doors in private conversation.
5. New subject Faith fails.
Stories: The great disappointment. The missed rapture, Jim Jones, The South wins Civil war in 4 months, The Indian ghost dance.


Card #12. Adhoc did you know #2

  1. Every religion has its own story of creation. God’s salvation plan changes with each gospel.
  2. New testament written 400 years after Jesus born. Names of the books not assigned until 400 years after Jesus born. The New Testament we have today is three times the size of the originals. Lots of interpolation!
  3. Constantine sociopath.
  4. Date of creation Oct. 23 4004 BCE at 0900. Official Catholic documentation.
  5. Christmas against the law in world and America. There are so many gods and saviors that no matter what religion you are, at least 74% of the world is praying to other gods and saviors.
  6. Jewish religion was polytheistic for thousands of years. Hellenism, the Jews accepted all the Greek gods into their religion. All NT stories have been morphed into Jesus being the savior. No churches or Cathedrals until nearly the fifth century.
  7. You believe the store bought wafer turns into the flesh of Jesus? Got from pagan God, Dionysius. Transubstantiation was invented in the 13th century.
  8. That Easter is taken from “The epic of Inanna” circa 2100 BCE who was in the underworld missing for three days. Then resurrected and returned to Earth on the third day. (VERIFIED) Easter was invented in the 8th Century.
  9. Did you know that the church was the only source of knowledge until the 18th century? All books on science were forbidden and locked up behind the altar in Cathedrals.
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Card #13: Give thanks to oxygen

  1. People all over the world give thanks to synthesized gods and saviors.
  2. Without oxygen, life could not grow larger than a pin head. All life forms would be microscopic!
  3. Oxygen mixes with the food I have eaten and gives me energy.
  4. Without oxygen we would be microscopic and not able to move. We wouldn’t have brains or any organs like we possess now.
  5. We would not even be a sentient life form.
  6. So how do we get oxygen again?
  7. Why other planets have no atmospheres and oxygen. Because Earth is protected by the Van Allen belts.
  8. The belts extend 400,000 feet from the ground. Without the belts we would burn to a cinder and evaporate in seconds standing in direct sunlight.
  9. Why other planets do not have belts.

Card #14: Dr. Joseph Chiapplaone How it really happened. (not verified by me yet)

  1. Pope Leo XIII forbade any further research into the origin on the Trinity in 1897. Church forbade reading of Bible by laymen. 1854, Church forbade clergy from reading newspapers and periodicals.
  2. The Lux Mundi of 1889 said Bible is a confused mass of myths, legend and garbled history often contradicting provable facts. Bible cannot be taken as literal truth but only as romantic symbolism. All cultures of the world share the same fables of creation, of the flood, magic garden, tree of life etc.
  3. Jesus copied from Adonis and Attis then synthesized into the Christian God? Basically yes. Entire Jesus stories copied. Even Palm Sunday copied from Procession of Palms by Ancient Babylon kings.
  4. Was Attis a savior before Jesus?
  5. Was Jesus the original light of the world? Hermes was, also Dionysus, Mithra and Apollo.
  6. All popular titles: The good shepherd, the light of the World. King of Kings, Son of man, etc. copied from ancient gods.
  7. Popular Jesus miracles that were done before.
  8. Gnostics claimed no resurrection of Jesus!
  9. Was Moses real? Moses synthesized from three antecedent ones. Kali, Sargon and Heracles of Canopus.
  10. Passover real? Passover myth was an Egyptian custom which had originated in China.
  11. OT Plagiarizing.
  12. Mithra. Dead Ringer for Jesus!
  13. Sign of the cross copy and pasted from God Hermes. Crucifixions in Jesus time were on vertical stakes up until the reign of Constantine. Sign of cross was in use for Zeus for roughly 1,000 years before it was adopted by the Catholic church.
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Card #15 Legal Fiction

  1. Imaginary constructs, invented for the economy to grow and large groups of people to work together with common goals. Vital for nations to form. Money, religion,corporations, armies to unite.
  2. Time is legal fiction. It only exist here on Earth in your mind. The nation is a construct. Governments are legal fiction.
  3. Corporations are created out of thin air. Like General Motors, Ford and General Electric.
  4. Religions have created Gods and saviors.
  5. It would be impossible to create states, churches or legal systems if humans could only speak about things that really exist, like rivers, trees and lions. The stock market. Legal shares of a corporation that is only imagined with communal belief.

Card #16: Popular Bible stories and beliefs

  1. The Trinity. Bloody Mary burning hundreds at the stake. Catholic church forbids clergy from reading newspapers in 1854.
  2. Attis and saviors. Hell is from Homer’s story. The Devil and hell was evolved form the myth of Hades. Salvation came from the Egyptians. Book of the Dead became a large reference for Old Testament. Mummy filled with salt, called “Sal” in Latin. This is where the word Salvation came from. Hercules is first savior. Attis is source for much of Jesus’s attributes.
  3. Easter and Christmas were instituted in 656 CE.
  4. Easter was hijacked from the Goddess Easteria. Virgin birth from Hercules.
  5. Born again from Scandinavia circa 940 BCE.
  6. Jesus synthesized. Date for crucifixion of Jesus set in 7th century.
  7. Bible holy? Newsweek major expose on Bible a retelling of old folklore tales. Documentary “The Bible revealed” shows Bible full of myths and fiction.
  8. Bible a collection of reworked mythology. A collection of allegories and ancient fables reworked.
  9. Gospels counted as high as 200 that were destroyed by the church.
  10. Attributes assigned to Jesus from ancient mythical Gods.
  11. Miracle origins
  12. Jesus light of the world? Nope, Hermes was over a thousand years before Jesus!
  13. Agnostics say there was no resurrection. No churches until 4th Century, only factions and clans.
  14. Bart D. Erhman says in first three Gospels Jesus made no claim of being divine.
  15. Dead sea scrolls found. Bible says seven times Jesus will return before all the high priest and his disciples pass away! Never happened.
  16. Moses is a compilation of 3 antecedent people.
  17. Ten Commandments happened in ancient times, centuries before Moses.
  18. Passover real? No. It was Egyptian custom originated in China.
  19. Is the idea of a Pope from Mithra? Mithra was the supreme Patron.
  20. Sunday, day of rest invented by Constantine for his god, Sol Ivictus.
  21. Continents cut off made their own gods. Afterward all gods were synchronized into their beliefs.
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Card #17. Fyre Festival American Greed 2017

  1. A bogus all star festival showcasing fabulous models, bands, etc.
  2. Ripped off people for 27 million dollars.
  3. He sold tickets for another Woodstock event.
  4. Promised luxury accommodations but guest stayed in refugee tents. No electricity and water to drink.
  5. Created a fake Black credit card people paid millions for the prepaid credit card cashless system.
  6. Started a Frye app. He was selling dreams.
  7. Once the guest discover the whole thing is a scam, they are stuck on the island with no way off the island. They all arrived by private jet, now there is no way to get back home.
  8. Same thing happens with religion. They believe they are going to mouseville. but they enter total oblivion. They are victims of confirmation bias and cannot escape the gravitational pull of the desire.


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