veterinary anatomy & physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Kristen Flatters. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Chemical Basis for Life
What is matter,
What is matter composed of,
What is the smallest unit of an e...
49  cards
Blood & Lymph
What are the 3 components of blood,
What component in the blood conta...,
What hormone triggers erythropoeisis
32  cards
Respiratory System
What two muscles are used for ins...,
What two muscles are used for exp...,
What two tissues are found in the...
12  cards
Digestive System
Where is the parotid salivary gla...,
Where is the mandibular salivary ...,
Where is the sublingual salivary ...
57  cards
Urinary System
How much function of the kidney i...,
What 3 factors are unique to the ...,
What happens to the efferent arte...
17  cards
Reproductive System
Which process meiosis mitosis des...,
Which process meiosis mitosis des...,
What cells are present in the testes
48  cards
Nervous System
Which neurotransmitters are less ...,
What are the 5 parts of the cns,
Which part of the brain is used f...
39  cards
Sensory System
What are the 4 steps of nociception,
What organ does not have nociceptors,
What is proprioception
41  cards
Endocrine System
What is a hormone,
What endocrine organ produces the...,
Which endocrine gland produces th...
55  cards
What are semiplume feathers respo...,
What are down feathers responsibl...,
What are filoplume feathers respo...
19  cards
The Amazing Cell
What three organelles are found i...,
Everything inside the cell membra...,
The largest organelle in the cell...
38  cards
The form and structure of the bod...,
The function of the body and its ...,
What is another term for macroscopic
14  cards
What are the four primary types o...,
Which one of the four types of pr...,
What is an example of location ep...
86  cards
Skeletal System
What are the five functions of bone,
What are the three cells found in...,
What do osteoblasts do
91  cards
Muscular System
What does the root word my o refe...,
What is myology,
What does the root word sarc o re...
44  cards
Integumentary System
What are the 3 layers of skin,
Which skin layer is described ker...,
What four cells make up the epide...
25  cards
Cardiovascular System
What do arteries do,
What do veins do,
What is the term used for when th...
16  cards

More about
veterinary anatomy & physiology

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