This class was created by Brainscape user Shelley Cucinotta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Over all Review
What is a string,
What is a number,
What is a primitive data type
84  cards
Operators, data types, some syntax
How can you include an external j...,
What s better putting scripts jus...,
Ecmascript has how many data types
33  cards
Functions and Scope
What are two ways to tell if some...,
What does the tofixed method do a...,
Var obj new object if obj will th...
43  cards
Dom manipulation: forms and rich text
What are the best ways to retriev...,
What special mechanism does the d...,
What does the form elements colle...
15  cards
What is the promise signature,
How do you use a promise with then,
If getjson returns a promise use ...
4  cards
Handle Scroll and Position
0  cards
Front End Interview, JS
Define this in javascript
1  cards
Is react declarative or imperative,
Whats the syntax to create a new ...,
When is a component constructor f...
13  cards
ES6 Modules
What is value of this at top leve...,
Name 3 ways modules semantics are...,
How many times will examplejs be ...
8  cards
What are the parts of the flux da...,
What is flux,
What are the parts of the redux d...
15  cards
What three new methods does es6 i...,
What are tagged template literals,
How can you easily clone an array...
14  cards
jQuery Alternatives
Hide show an element,
Eladdclass someclass,
El after htmlstring
19  cards
Essential JS book
What is duff s device,
What is a best practice for avoid...,
What is the difference between a ...
30  cards
DOM Manipulation
0  cards
Objects and the DOM
How do we create an object dictio...,
How do we call upon an object and...,
How do we had key and values to a...
6  cards
How many types of number does jav...,
Is nan equal to nan,
In javascript is c a t cat
246  cards

More about
vanilla javascript

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Shelley Cucinotta's Vanilla JavaScript flashcards now!

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