This class was created by Brainscape user geet baghel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Neurobio physio
Which gene is mutated in sturge w...,
List 5 symptoms of sturge weber,
Describe the hamartomas mnemonic ...
118  cards
Neurobio Pharmacology
How do glaucoma drugs function,
Which glaucoma drugs are alpha re...,
List the mechanism of epinephrine...
116  cards
Renal Physio
What is the condition called with...,
Describe the symptoms of beckwith...,
What symptoms occur with wt1 dele...
118  cards
Renal Pharmacology
What type of diuretic is mannitol,
Where is mannitol s site of action,
Describe mannitol s mechanism
42  cards
Immuno physiology
What type of hypersensitivity rea...,
Describe the clinical presentatio...,
What is the mechanism behind acut...
48  cards
Lipid storage disorders
How is fabry disease inherited,
Which enzyme is deficient in fabr...,
Which sphingolipid accumulates in...
5  cards
Which enzyme does leflunomide int...,
Which substance builds up with le...,
Which process do methotrexate tri...
205  cards
Biochemistry - Genetics
What is codominance,
What is incomplete penetrance,
What is pleiotropy
44  cards
Biochemistry Autosomal Dominant Disorders
What is the etiology behind achon...,
Clinical presentation of achondro...,
What are the two mutation in auto...
14  cards
Biochemistry- Vitamins
List the fat soluble vitamins,
List the vitamin soluble vitamins,
What are two primary sources of v...
111  cards
UWorld questions
Which opioid side effect is the m...,
How do opioids lead to urinary re...,
What is the anatomical location o...
280  cards
Biochemistry Metabolism
What is the rate determining step...,
Which cofactors positively regula...,
Which cofactors negatively regula...
241  cards
Four cardiac defects associated w...,
3 cardiac defects associated with...,
3 cardiac defects associated with...
248  cards
What are the dense granules of th...,
What are the alpha granules of th...,
Where is 1 3 of platelet pool syn...
368  cards
Growth, Cell Adaptations and Death
What is the hallmark of reversibl...,
What is the hallmark of irreversi...,
List the 4 types of necrosis
25  cards
Which cancer do aflatoxins cause ...,
Which cancer can chemotherapy cause,
Alcohol causes
49  cards
Developmental Bio
How many pharyngeal branchial arc...,
Which pharyngeal arches contribut...,
Which embryologic structure contr...
27  cards
Pulm pharmacology
List three first generation antih...,
What is the mechanism of first ge...,
What is the clinical us of first ...
45  cards
Pulm physio
What 3 events increase risk of pn...,
Three types of pneumonia,
Four gross phases of lobar pneumonia
151  cards
What are the side effects of vinc...,
What are the side effects of bleo...,
What are the side effects of doxo...
11  cards
Which antibiotics inhibit cell wa...,
How does vancomycin function,
Which antibiotic inhibits 50s bac...
23  cards
What is the pathogenic mechanism ...,
Three vulnerable populations for ...,
The host inflammatory response ag...
54  cards
Psych pharmacology
Emotional lability slurred speech...,
Cns and respiratory depression eu...,
Symptoms of mild alcohol withdrawal
118  cards
List the 5 qualities of social an...,
How long does one have to be anxi...,
Treatment for social anxiety diso...
39  cards
Lymph drainage of anal canal abov...,
Lymph drainage of testes ovaries ...,
Lymph drainage of anal canal belo...
112  cards
Immuno pharm
What is the major adverse effect ...,
How do calcineurin inhibitors tac...,
Adverse effects of cyclosporine
47  cards
Embryological origin of thyroid p...,
Embryological origin of hypothala...,
Embryological origin of
188  cards
Endocrine pharmacology
Most serious adverse effect of me...,
Action of metformin,
First line therapy for t2dm
40  cards
GI Physiology
What are the vacterl defects asso...,
Omphalocele and gastrochisis resu...,
Rostral fold closure results in w...
249  cards
GI Pharmacology
Cimetidine ranitidine famotidine ...,
What is the clinical use of rever...,
P450 inhibition gynecomastia decr...
31  cards
Pharmacology principles
The hypothetical volume into whic...,
Drugs with a low vd 3 5 liters li...,
Drugs with vd 14 16l are likely
10  cards
Embryology and Devo
Found at base of limbs anterior p...,
Produced at apical end of limbs a...,
Produced at apical ectodermal rid...
242  cards
Cancers of pelvis including prost...,
Breast and lung cancers metastasi...,
Venous drainage from testis epidi...
118  cards
Xerosis is,
Which layer of epidermis is defec...
2  cards
Neurology anatomy and physiology
Pain and temperature sensory rece...,
C slow unmyelinated and a delta f...,
Sense dynamic fine light touch po...
39  cards
Reproductive Pharmacology
Leuprolide mechanism,
Ethinyl estradiol des causes clea...,
Contradications to estrogen therapy
19  cards

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