This class was created by Brainscape user Med school concepts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

What is the ansa cervicalis made ...,
Give anatomical relations with th...,
What is haldane vs bohr effect
89  cards
What is the portal vein composed off,
Wha consists of femoral triangle,
Popliteeal fossa pathologies
169  cards
What are the causes of toxic mega...,
When do we place a tips,
How does zollinger ellison syndro...
125  cards
When does apckd present why we ha...,
What causes dead in infants for a...,
Compare the psgn with iga nephrop...
46  cards
Different degenrative diseases of...,
Explain pathogeneisis of hemochro...,
How to ifferentiate between hemop...
88  cards
How does rhizophus presnet,
How is insulin resistance caused,
What is pathogensis of diabetic n...
3  cards
NErvous system
Expalin effects of levodopa combi...,
Hiv associated dementia pathogene...,
How does vasuclar dementia presen...
18  cards
bichemistry and tests
What is the problem with chorinoi...,
Why hg electophoreis more signifi...,
When is karyotype used
55  cards
uworld incorrects
How does hep b vaccination preven...,
How to dydx infected with vaccina...,
Does hep b cause intf production
64  cards
uworld incorrect 2
Decreased chest wall compliance,
Why does gastric bypass ause over...,
Enteric bacteria
43  cards
uworld incorrects 3
Differentiate between listeria ea...,
Gestational chroiocarnioma is inc...,
Do patients with diabeties develo...
6  cards
uworld incorrets 3
What are the causes of congenital...,
What is coltivirus,
Rash in roseola
46  cards
uworld incorrect 4
What kind of mutation caused in l...,
How does colichine act on neutrop...,
What sort of chest is seen in cys...
40  cards
uworld anki deck 5
What is a reactive lymphocytewhic...,
How would renal insuffeciency pre...,
Messangial ecm formed from
22  cards
uworld incorrect 9
Why is ptu prefered in 1st trimet...,
When does thyroid gland develop,
How does mosaicism cause downs
38  cards
How can hco cause renal failure a...,
Internal pudenal artery fistula,
What are the features of fetal hy...
5  cards
uworld deck 8
What prevents break down of newly...,
Wound dehnisencecontractionsulcer...,
Type 4 reaction vs delayed reacti...
19  cards
uworld deck 9
Why anus preffered in drug 1st pa...,
Which part of the intestine has g...,
Why rectum has low absorption of ...
52  cards
uworld biochem
What prevents beta oxidation brea...,
Tetrahydrobiopterin is used in wh...,
Which pathway links fructose and ...
25  cards
neurology incorrects
1  cards
uworld incorrects
Course of ansa cervicalis,
Where does the phrenic nerve pass...,
Explain the principle of radioimm...
155  cards
amboss incorrects
How to differentiat between toxo ...,
Noise induced hearing loss,
230  cards
uworld 000
Function of leptin,
What causes heriditary diabeties ...,
Activationo f hormone sensitive l...
83  cards
grays anatomy
What carries refered pain from ab...,
Which nerve is compressed in indi...,
Which space gets hit if posterior...
23  cards
Manifestation of kaposki sarcoma,
What are the effects of vipoma on...,
Px of sma syndrome
117  cards
uwolrd block
Explain phosphate filtration,
Biopsy of aplastic anemia will re...
32  cards
amboss incorrects
False incorrets of vdrl,
White lump curd ike discharge in ...,
An old woman has high inhibin b w...
149  cards
mqle repro
Lymphma grenolum pathophys and co...,
Klebsilla granulomatosis,
An immigrant comes with scrotal s...
58  cards
Dongenital neutropenia,
Lambert eaton vs myasthenia gravis,
Will digeorge preent with oral ca...
70  cards
0  cards
uworld incorrects 100
When does cleft lip and cleft pal...,
Holoprosencephaly causes what emb...,
Maxilarry prominences give rise to
7  cards
GIT uworld
What are the joint symotoms of cr...,
Autoimmune hepatitis associated w...,
What are the two common etiologie...
13  cards
respiratory uworld
How is occupational asthma charac...,
Pulmonary hypertension imagin,
If a person has asthma could he h...
7  cards
msk uworld
Where is rank receptor present,
Osteoprotogerin mimics what,
Survival of osteocytes dependant on
3  cards
molecular biology
Improper charged trna,
What is ricin,
Choroid plexus what is it made up...
9  cards
Cd40 deficiency seen in,
Shigella can be associated with w...,
Immune thrombocytopenia symotoms
11  cards
0  cards
reproductive uworld
Explain 4 phases of hair growthex...
1  cards

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