This class was created by Brainscape user no no. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

60 limits
Rotor brake shall not be applied ...,
Maneuvering limitations with a sl...,
Rearward flight with asling load ...
126  cards
Davidson AOM
Level flight 0 120 knots no more ...,
What is included in the controled...,
Approximate airfield total size
49  cards
Reading card file requirement,
What would you need to do to fly ...,
Minimum crew of 4 required for th...
45  cards
Flight contingency procedures
Formation change,
Lead change,
Lost commo
6  cards
60 mass deck
Tgt will be indicated on the powe...,
When does ng appear on the power pod,
What are the primary functions of...
272  cards
What events would cause a 6 hour ...,
What events would cause a 12 hour...,
What events would cause a 24 hour...
8  cards
Flying standards,
Plan vfr flight
49  cards
Pre flight
Nose section,
Cockpit left side,
Cabin top
11  cards
601D Engine
Dec edecu functions,
What does tgt limiting limit at,
Load sharing keeps both engines m...
27  cards
Flight director
Components of afcs,
4 mmu function,
What does afcs do
51  cards
Power train and rotor
What are the 5 main transmission ...,
What are some of the components o...
26  cards
How heavy can counter weights be,
Are counter weights required,
How long does peak dark adaptatio...
53  cards
0  cards
Define airfoil,
If you increase the velocity of a...,
Define chord line
33  cards
Visual illusions and spatial D
Define spatial d,
Define dve,
Counters to sd mitigation
14  cards
Vestibular illusions
Graveyard spiral,
List vestibular illusions priorit...
3  cards
VFR Chart
56  cards
IFR chart
50  cards
Note maximum pa and fat will be u...
29  cards
IFR approach charts
Localizer degree and distance of ...,
Ndb service volumes,
Vor service volumes
38  cards
Sling stuff
Types of load,
Reasons to externally load,
Two phases of takeoff with extern...
12  cards
Class a,
Class b,
Class c
17  cards
Prohibited missions,
Passenger restirctions
25  cards
IFR General knowledge
Dod flip stands for what in refer...,
Types of notams,
Types of departure procedures
20  cards
IFR supplement
40  cards
RNAV and build 7
What is raim,
What is waas,
What is rnp
14  cards
Fuel burn,
How much oil does the apu hold,
Can you use the sight glass to ch...
18  cards

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