tudor section2 - henry v111 1509-47

This class was created by Brainscape user Eva Humphreys. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Rise of Wolsey - him in Government & Parliament
State the role of parliament unde...,
How did wolsey change influence t...,
Why was wolsey particularly conve...
13  cards
Cromwell in Power - 1532-40
Explain the backround of cromwell,
State the domestic poliies in gov...,
Explain how wolseys demise of con...
9  cards
Weaknesses of the Church in 1520s
Reformation of the Church
7  cards
Religious change 1535-47
Explain the features of full prot...,
Explain how henry began the proce...,
Explain the key changes that took...
8  cards
Was the church of 1547 very different from the church during the 1520s?
What would you argue in a questio...,
Explain the 1st set of key points...,
Explain the 2nd set of key points...
6  cards
Early Foreign Policy 1509-1514
What were henry v111 s 5 main for...,
State the foreign policy that too...,
Was henry joining the holy roman ...
6  cards
Foreign Policy 1514-1526
What were the changes to henry v1...,
State the key events that took pl...,
Explain the treaty of london 1518...
9  cards
Foreign Policy 1527-40
What was going on in england duri...,
Why was henrys pressure in positi...,
Why did henry s relief position c...
6  cards
Foreign Policy 1529 - 47
What was foreign policy like in t...,
Explain henrys foreign policy rel...,
Explain henrys foreign policy rel...
5  cards
Is Henry VIII himself responsible for Foreign Policy failures?
What would your overall judgement...,
State the 4 key points you would ...,
Explain the 1st key points you co...
6  cards
Foreign Policy sucsesses/failures
State the key evidence you would ...,
State the key evidence you would ...
2  cards

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tudor section2 - henry v111 1509-47

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