step 1 uworld and notes

This class was created by Brainscape user Jen D. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (64)

Mixed 1
Acute synovitis causes dx,
Acute synovitis w fever and or le...,
Treacher collins syndrome pathoge...
22  cards
Biochem 2
Pyruvate kinase deficiency in rbc...,
Reperfusion injury,
Glycogenolysis in liver vs skelet...
9  cards
Tumor Markers
Alkaline phosphatase,
Alpha fetoprotein,
Beta hcg
10  cards
Mixed 14
Pathophysiology of lactose intole...,
What happens in graft vs host dis...,
Which anticholinestase agent can ...
6  cards
Mixed 18
What is the virulence factor for ...,
What are the lymphatic tracks tha...,
A patient with a history of htn i...
4  cards
Mixed 19
How woulda fetus present if infec...,
What would you give to a prematur...,
What drug do you give as an alter...
3  cards
Biochem 1
Dietary energy calories per 1g pr...,
Medium chain acyl coa dehydrogena...,
G6pd deficiencywhat pathway is g6...
15  cards
Microbio 1
What does hdv need to infect hepa...,
Klebsiella findings,
Roseola infantum cause findings
17  cards
Must Knows and Reminders
Ab exotoxin bacteria abcdes,
P aeruginosa exotoxin moa,
B pertussis exotoxin moa
162  cards
Microbio 2
How do neonates contract toxoplas...,
Infectious mononucleosismcc ssx m...,
Heterophile antibody negative mon...
12  cards
Microbio 3
Shigella px,
What is the importance of env gen...,
Norovirus disease presentation ou...
14  cards
Microbio 4
Uti mcc px,
Staph food poisoning vs b cereus ...,
Hsv 1 gingivostomatitis vs coxsac...
12  cards
Mixed 2
Secretions of the different parts...,
Secretions of leydig cells and se...,
By what event does concentric lvh...
10  cards
Immuno 1
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency px ...,
What physiologic events happen in...,
How does degranulation of mast ce...
13  cards
G-protein linked 2nd messengers, Pharma gen
What is supplied by sympathetic i...,
What is supplied by parasympathet...,
Alpha1 receptors
31  cards
Immuno 2
Prevention and treatment for tetanus,
Hypersensitivity reactions humora...,
Transplant rejection hyperacute a...
10  cards
Pharma 1
Common se of muscarinic receptor ...,
There are fast and slow acetylato...,
Cyp450 enzymes
9  cards
Microbio 5
Arboviruses arthropod borne virus...,
Mc pathogens of nosocomial bloods...,
What is waterhouse friderichsen s...
12  cards
Endo 1
In a male with only one descended...,
What happens if you administer gl...,
What happens in 5 alpha reductase...
18  cards
Neuro 1
What is the pathophysiology of wi...,
In alzheimer disease what parts o...,
What is postherpetic neuralgia
13  cards
Cardio 1
What is use dependence phenomenon...,
What is the order of na channel b...,
How are class ic antiarrhythmics ...
16  cards
Renal 1
Proximal tubule fluid reabsorptio...,
What amino acid is utilized in am...,
What is the pathogenesis for cres...
11  cards
Renal 2
Pathogenesis of goodpasture syndrome,
What 3 ways do kidneys try to cor...,
Net filtration pressure equation
5  cards
Renal 3
What are the associated condition...,
What is the pentad of ssx for ttp...,
Thrombotic microangiopathy tma sy...
16  cards
Respi 1
How is polycythemia determined an...,
Where do you insert a chest tube ...,
At what points should a needle be...
10  cards
Respi 2
What are the pathological lung fi...,
What is the common presentation o...,
Pancoast syndrome results from a ...
14  cards
Marfan syndrome is caused by a de...,
Why and how is it that muscles su...,
By what mechanism is the contract...
11  cards
What is the moa of cidofovir what...,
What do nucleoside analogs need t...,
What vasculitides of medium vesse...
17  cards
Hema/Onco 2
What is a complication of using f...,
Contraindications for using fibri...,
What condition does dermatomyosit...
20  cards
What components are included in t...,
How can git infections like giard...,
What 2 mechanisms regulate the la...
7  cards
Routes for pyogenic bacteria to r...,
Why is rifamixin useful in patien...,
Where in the git would an biopsy ...
14  cards
Water soluble vitamin names,
Vitamin a retinol fxn food,
Vitamin a toxicity
24  cards
Hema/Onco 1
What are the 2 major effects of c...,
Why does hbs have a more pronounc...,
Positive selection vs negative se...
11  cards
Psych 1
What are the clinical manifestati...,
How to benzodiazepines and barbit...,
What is the first line treatment ...
7  cards
Biochem 3
In what conditions does hbs tend ...,
What organs are affected by niema...,
What two enzymes may be involved ...
14  cards
Microbio 6
How should one approach treatment...,
What is the progression of ssx fo...,
What conditions are patients who ...
8  cards
Renal 4
What syndrome may be a complicati...,
What is tumor lysis syndrome,
What are the 3 main causes of met...
12  cards
Cardio 2
What happens with myocardial hybe...,
What is the pathogenesis leading ...,
W right heart failure why is it t...
16  cards
Cardio 3
What heart complication is at ris...,
How do you treat hypovolemic shock,
What conditions may marantic endo...
12  cards
Respi 4
What is the pathogenesis of centr...,
What does the morphology of the p...,
How if pulmonary htn managed
14  cards
Respi 3
How do you reduce the risk of hiv...,
How do patients w copd and smoke ...,
How does lung adenoca look histol...
16  cards
What is the pathogenesis of xerod...,
What infections is erythema multi...,
What is the pathogenesis for gout
21  cards
What drugs may be given for rapid...,
What diseases may be caused by ba...,
How does a patient w injury to th...
15  cards
Behav/Biostat 1
What is the major limitation of a...,
Describe a cohort study,
What bias does matching address
11  cards
Mixed 3
Candida is an opportunistic infec...,
What is maturity onset diabetes o...,
What is the formula for determini...
18  cards
Mixed 4
What is attributable risk percent...,
What is nondisjunction give an ex...,
How would a child with lead toxic...
20  cards
Mixed 5
What are the adverse effects of p...,
How does aromatase deficiency pre...,
Why are patients w polycystic ova...
9  cards
Mixed 6
What function does kinesin have i...,
What receptor do cytotoxic t cell...,
If a patient has eisenmenger synd...
8  cards
Mixed 7
What is cerebral amyloid angiopathy,
What is the emergent treatment fo...,
A patient is noted to have increa...
11  cards
Pharma 2
Which antibiotics may be used for...,
Which receptors does ne stimulate,
What is the formula for maintenan...
9  cards
Hema/Onco 3
What do the lab results for hemol...,
What is the virchow triad for ven...,
Why are patients w hemolytic anem...
7  cards
Neuro 2
What do the muscle fibers of mito...,
What defect is involved w ataxia ...,
What is the pathogenesis of malig...
11  cards
Mixed 8
Whats the histology of the uterus...,
What is the doc for tx of paroxys...,
A lesion of the medial longitudin...
3  cards
Mixed 9
What effects on the eye do 1st ge...,
How do thiazide diuretics affect ...,
How do nitrates affect preload ed...
8  cards
Mixed 11
What effect do incretins glp 1 gi...,
Whats the difference b w a partia...,
What is the pathophysiology of gu...
6  cards
Mixed 10
How can reverse transcription pcr...,
What are the results of the water...,
Why are patients who are pregnant...
3  cards
Mixed 12
By what mechanism does viridans s...,
Substance withdrawal of what psyc...,
What is the name for a gastric tu...
4  cards
Mixed 13
What is the moa of thiazolidinedi...,
What is the presentation of canna...,
You have a hyperthyroid patient b...
6  cards
Repro 1
What is the most common cause of ...,
What happens when metronidazole i...,
What non culture test may be used...
10  cards
Mixed 15
Hpv has a tropism for what type o...,
What is the pathophysiology of gi...,
What properties of a drug would g...
8  cards
Mixed 16
What is the moa of fibrates how d...,
What is the doc for opioid withdr...,
What is the presentation for arse...
4  cards
Mixed 17
What are common causes of postpar...,
A patient with early onset corona...,
What does the arterial blood gas ...
7  cards
Mixed 20
What is the presentation of serot...,
What test would be abnormal first...,
What is the moa of zidovudine
4  cards
Mixed 21
What is a common iatrogenic cause...,
What is a possible complication o...,
What would you give as immediate ...
6  cards

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