This class was created by Brainscape user Tiffany Wong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

energy and the role of ATP
Energy is defined as,
All energy for body functions com...
117  cards
atp production
When the body creates energy in r...,
When the body creates energy in a...,
Rest is when
16  cards
aerobic energy system
How does the aerobic energy syste...,
Describe the process of lipolysis
9  cards
Oxygen transport and the role of myoglobin
What is myoglobin,
How does oxygen get released to c...,
How does oxygen get to the muscles
19  cards
Muscle fibre types
Two types of muscle fibres in body,
Fast twitch muscles,
Describe contraction of slow twit...
13  cards
Oxygen deficit, steady state
O2 deficit,
Do trained atheltes experience le...
25  cards
Oxygen delivery: LIP
Onset of blood lactate accumulated
17  cards
Ex. phys. A past paper questions
Athletes of any age need to maint...,
Explain the concept of hitting th...,
Explain glycogen sparing and how ...
23  cards
Effects of training
Acute responses (immediate effects of training)
28  cards
Exercise physiology b: methods of training
Traning methods,
Most training methods relate to,
Training trends in previous years eg
78  cards
Fitness components
What are fitness components,
What are some fitness components ...,
What are the two types of fitness...
30  cards
The training session and training year
What is an accepted protocol and ...,
What should each training session...,
What is the purpose of a the warm...
32  cards
Principles of training
What is the principles of training,
What is specificity of training a...,
What has to be controlled in spec...
28  cards
Ex phys B pp qs
Identify two fitness components r...,
Explain interval training outline...,
What is one training principle th...
23  cards
Ex phys B: recovery
Define recovery,
What determines the nature and du...,
Define fatigue
41  cards

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sports science 3

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