This class was created by Brainscape user Tom Ellis Ricketts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Energy, Metabolism, and Nutrients
How many atp molecules does pcr b...,
How many atp molecules does anaer...,
How many atp molecules does aerob...
24  cards
Carbohydrate and fat
What are 4 functions of carbs,
Energy expenditure at rest is pro...,
As exercise intensity increases w...
28  cards
Carbohydrate feeding during exercise
Majority of studies show carb fee...,
What are the 3 monosaccharides an...,
What do fast and slow carbs refer to
18  cards
Carbohydrate feeding after exercise
What is the difference between 2 ...,
Should the same carb feeding prot...,
What are carb targets for light l...
14  cards
Hydration (Fluid and electrolyte requirements for exercise)
Adult body 50 60 water how much o...,
Typically what is total body wate...,
What is hypohydration
30  cards
Protein - basic principles of protein metabolism
Amino acids are a source of nitro...,
How to calculate nitrogen balance,
What is the protein reference nut...
5  cards
Protein - daily protein needs for athletes
How does protein synthesis change...,
When is exercising muscle most se...,
When is protein synthesis at its ...
11  cards
Where is creatine synthesized in ...,
What amino acid precursors are cr...,
What of creatine is stored in ske...
25  cards
Nitrate (NOT IN EXAM)
What does the ingestion of no3 le...,
What foods contain nitrate,
What is the average dietary intak...
13  cards
When does peak blood caffeine con...,
Where is caffeine metabolised,
What are the effects of caffeine
16  cards
Buffering agents (beta-alanine) (NOT IN EXAM)
Background what does high rates o...,
What effect does acidosis have on...,
What is beta alanine
12  cards
Buffering agents (sodium bicarbonate) (NOT IN EXAM)
What is sodium bicarbonate nahco3,
What are the effects of sodium bi...,
For a single dose strategy when s...
8  cards
Protein - optimizing anabolic responses with protein nutrition
Does milk consumption promote mor...,
Is post exercise milk consumption...,
What is in milk that makes it mor...
9  cards
Protein - dietary protein and weight loss
What type of weight is lost durin...,
What effect does an energy defici...,
How do we overcome the blunting o...
6  cards
Dietary supplements: an overview
What is a dietary supplement,
What are 4 ways to tell whether a...,
What is the ais supplements resource
7  cards
Final Revision Deck
How many atp molecules does aerob...,
What are typical liver glycogen s...,
What is the difference between sh...
35  cards
Final revision deck (2)
1  cards

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sports nutrition

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