This class was created by Brainscape user Lexy Harrod. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Armagnac & Brandy
What are the three regions of arm...,
How is armagnac distilled,
What is blanche armagnac aoc and ...
27  cards
Calvados & Cider
What are the three aoc of calvados,
How is calvados distilled and aged,
What is the premier region of pro...
24  cards
What is the eu definition of brandy,
What are the six regions of cognac,
What is the major soil type in gr...
25  cards
Flavor and origin of pernod,
Flavor and origin of ricard,
Flavor and origin of pastis 51
52  cards
Rum, Tequila, Plus
What is pommeau de normandie,
What are pomace spirits,
What is the french pomace spirit
43  cards
What is unique about sake ferment...,
What enables mpf in sake and what...,
What is the popular type of rice ...
61  cards
Vodka & GIn
Who developed the alembic still,
What are the alternative names fo...,
What are cogeners
24  cards
What word does whiskey derive from,
Who was the first bourbon producer,
What are the requirements for bou...
28  cards
What are the two main steps for b...,
How many ounces does a standard u...,
What is the wort
72  cards
What type of fermentation is used...,
What is koji kin,
What is yamada nishiki
64  cards
Vodka and Gin
Where is ikon from,
Where is chopin from,
Where is ketel one from
23  cards
Whiskey / Whisky
Year the whiskey rebellion,
Who distilled kentuckys first whi...,
Bourbon aging requirements
56  cards
4 dos for mexican distilled spirits,
Tequila major state of production...,
39  cards
What is distilled to make rum,
Rum origin,
4 main styles of rum
13  cards
Brandy defined by the eu,
Base for distillation for brandy,
Hybrid grape variety authorized f...
49  cards
Spirits and Distillation
What is the boiling point of ethy...,
Who originally used fractional di...,
Who can modern distillation be tr...
12  cards
Bitter Herbal Liqueurs
Fernet branca,
22  cards
Fruit Liqueurs
Grand marnier
15  cards
Coffee, Cream, Nut and Egg Liqueurs
8  cards
Whiskey-Based Liqueurs
Southern comfort,
Glen mist
5  cards
Other Liqueurs
What is the primary flavor and co...,
Pastis 51
15  cards
Calvados & Cider COPY
What are the 3 aoc of calvados,
How is calvados distilled and aged,
What is the premier region of pro...
24  cards

More about
spirits - sake

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Looking for something else?

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Decks: Tasting Evaluating Spirits, Raw Materials, Alcoholic Fermentation, And more!
Sake & Spirits
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Decks: Armagnac Brandy, Calvados Cider, Cognac, And more!
Wine & Spirits
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Decks: Sparkling Wines, Brandy Brandy Brandy, Distillation, And more!
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