This class was created by Brainscape user Alisha Coates. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Gamma Cameras
Why is patient positioning important,
How does a collimator work,
What are the measures of collimat...
16  cards
Image Acquisition
What is frame mode imaging,
What is list mode imaging,
What is static imaging
16  cards
Image Formation
What are the factors which limit ...,
What is spatial resolution,
What is the fwhm of a system
8  cards
Principles of Imaging
4 main ways of imaging a body,
Requirements of an ideal rad tracer,
Why is tc99m a good tracer
7  cards
What is nm qa,
What is qc,
What are the principles of qc
16  cards
Fdg pet ct protocol,
Stages of the patient journey,
Why is fasting required
7  cards
NM Clinical Imaging
Bone scan protocol,
Bone indications,
Osseous mets detection
24  cards
Use of Radiopharmaceuticals as Theraputic Agents
Describe radio nuclide therapy,
Maximising the effectiveness of a...,
Ideal therapeutic radiopharm
13  cards
Which method of radionuclide prod...,
What methods of radionuclide prod...,
Explain how a cyclotron produces ...
21  cards
Tracer kinetics and basic compartmental analysis
What are the main requirements of...,
Tracer requirements,
Describe compartmental analysis
16  cards
Pharmacokinetics and mechanisms of tracer uptake
Define pharmacokinetics,
Describe initial bio distribution,
Effects of bio distribution
16  cards
NM Non-imaging
Red cell volume rcv plasma volume...,
Gfrpresentation preparation proce...
2  cards
GMP - Radiopharmacy Design
Properties of an ideal radio phar...,
Types of radipharmacy,
Requirements of areas used for st...
11  cards
GMP - Radiopharmacy quality systems
Pharmacy qc quarterly,
Pharmacy qc weekly,
Pharmacy qc sessional grade a work
10  cards
Define the transport index,
What is the transport index used for,
Which body oversees the transport...
4  cards
Radionuclide Therapy
Administration routes,
Dose target,
Limitations of radio nuclide ther...
16  cards

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specialism: nuclear medicine

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