social and personality psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Nikoline Bøgebjerg. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Lecture 1
What is the abcs of psychology,
Personality is consistent and rel...,
What does trait theory focus on
55  cards
Lecture 2
Dimensional conception,
Typological categorical conception,
What is the issue with categorica...
40  cards
Lecture 3
Rational theoretical method,
Factor analytic method,
Empirical method
52  cards
Lecture 4
Rank order stability,
Mean level stability,
Personality coherence
56  cards
Lecture 5
What is the situationist argument...,
What are the responses to mischel...,
What is a moderator variable
33  cards
Lecture 6
Traits that are highly heritable,
Traits that are low in heritabili...,
What is the relation between phen...
45  cards
Lecture 7
What is misunderstanding 1,
What is misunderstanding 2,
What is misunderstanding 3
37  cards
Lecture 8
What is priming,
What is chronic accessibility,
What is learned helplessness
53  cards
Lecture 9
What is intrasexual competition,
What is intersexual competition,
What is the parental investment t...
35  cards
Lecture 10
What does weird stand for,
Why is weird important,
What is schweder and bournce all ...
28  cards
Lecture 11
What are the idea of persons choo...,
What are the idea of situations c...,
Why is persons choose situations ...
25  cards
Lecture 12
How does parental influence of at...,
How does peers influence attitudes,
How does personal experience infl...
49  cards
Lecture 13
What does borderline personality ...,
What does antisocial personality ...,
What big five characteristics are...
28  cards
Lecture 14
What is bottom up approach to und...,
How should bottom up approach hel...,
What is the top down approach to ...
29  cards
Lecture 15
When does social facilitation happen,
What is the effect of social faci...,
What is the effect of social loafing
46  cards
Lecture 16
What are the two general systems ...,
What is serial monogamy,
What is extreme monogamy
45  cards
Lecture 17
What are the three attachment sty...,
What is the secure attachment sty...,
What is the anxious ambivalent at...
24  cards
Lecture 18
What is the proximity attraction ...,
What is functional distance and h...,
What is the mere exposure effect
35  cards
The four articles we don't learn anywhere else
What did darwin think were the tw...,
What are the two stage model of e...,
What is adaption in the two stage...
32  cards

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social and personality psychology

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