This class was created by Brainscape user Jay Hansen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Basic Sleep Science
What are the 5 theories of why we...,
What is the theory of memory cons...,
What is the sleep theory of energ...
76  cards
In what year was osa first descri...,
What features regarding jaw movem...,
In what two ways do oral applianc...
83  cards
Sleep is a dynamic process what m...,
What is the effect of inhibitor b...,
What is the effect of reuptake bl...
54  cards
Pathophysiology of OSA
Define apnea medical definition,
Medical definition of hypopnea,
Six anatomical reason that osa oc...
74  cards
Home Sleep Testing
Under what conditions does medica...,
What is first night effect and ho...,
How does first night effect influ...
25  cards
What You Don't Really Need To Know, But…
What are the nighttime symptoms o...,
What are the daytime symptoms of ...,
What is the difference between sl...
37  cards
Dentist Physician Relationship
Aasm standards of diagnosis 2005,
Aasm standards for fitting of ora...,
Aasm guideline for dental managem...
14  cards
Sleep Hygiene
What is sleep hygiene,
What is the influence of improved...,
What effect does improved sleep h...
29  cards
Is a positional element to ahi in...,
What effect does endothelial dysf...,
How does sleep apnea affect the e...
40  cards
5 39,
What is hpi,
26 49
22  cards
5 41,
What do studies show about the co...,
How should we handle patients wit...
13  cards
How reliable are subjective scale...,
What is the likely issue if snori...,
What is the gender specific relat...
85  cards
What do physicians expect of us w...,
What is considered a successful a...,
What is considered a successful o...
35  cards
Prevention and Intervention
How does nasal obstruction affect...,
How does mouth breathing result o...,
How early should the airway be ad...
16  cards

More about
sleep medicine

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