This class was created by Brainscape user camille carn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Islam beleifs
Two main branches which is bigger,
Things sunni and shia agree on,
Shia big belief
42  cards
god beliefs
Why is god wrongly depicted in im...,
Whats the parable of the lost son...,
What is the bible quote for monot...
41  cards
jesus beleifs
Why are the wise mens gifts impor...,
What bible verse shows jesus as i...,
What was the anunciation
23  cards
Where in the bible and what did t...,
How are humans responsible for or...,
Whats atonement
27  cards
christian practices
Bible verse for jesues prescence ...,
Why is worship important,
What is the sabbah
60  cards
authority in islam
Main qualities if angeks,
Qualities of jibril,
Name of the hell angel and jobs
29  cards
book quotes
Surah 1,
Surrah quote for allahs justness,
Surah 112
34  cards
Islamic practices
What are the five pillars of islam,
What are the five pillars,
Whats shahadah
45  cards
christian relationships
Why would some christians not marry,
Why is family important,
Ways adults can create a good family
45  cards
existence of god
Unitarian beliefs,
Jehovas witnsess beliefs,
And from the son significnce
51  cards
religion peace + conflict
What is reconcilliation,
Two types of protest,
Example of a peaceful and violent...
36  cards
christian + normal world
Importance of christian laws,
Importance of chrisitan based fes...
49  cards
christian quotes!!!
Genesis 2 7,
Creation of adam the first mansho...,
Genesis 2 18
34  cards
islam quotes!!!
Surrah 1,
Allah is mercifulshowing he forgives,
Surrah 112
18  cards
Bible Quotes For Second Half
Romans 16
1  cards

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rs gcse

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