This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Henderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Into to physiology and resp anatomy(physiology)
What are the functions of the res...,
Define systemic circulation,
Define pulmonary circulation
12  cards
Relating structures to function (physiology)
Define tidal volume,
Define expiratory reserve volume,
Define inspiratory reserve volume...
24  cards
Alveolar ventilation and gas diffusion (physiology)
What is the volume of total lung ...,
What is tidal volume and the exac...,
What is the volume of residual
29  cards
Ventilation - perfusion and gas transport (physiology)
Define ventilation,
Define perfusion,
What is the relationship between ...
41  cards
Control of breathing (physiology)
What part of the brain is respons...,
What nerve innervates the diaphragm,
What is the control of inspiration
16  cards
Asthma in children
What are the main features of asthma,
What is troublesome asthma,
What questions should you be aski...
32  cards
Asthma in adults
What is the definition of asthma,
What is the pathology of asthma,
What is the aetiology of asthma
29  cards
Define copd,
What is the prevalence and incide...,
How can copd be caused aetiology
30  cards
Pathology of obstructive lung disease
How can obstructive lung disease ...,
Explain type 1 hypertension in ai...,
What is type 1 hypertension media...
24  cards
Pathology of Respiratory Tract Infections
What are the 3 types of microorga...,
What are some common urti causing...,
What is the mechanism for defence...
23  cards
URTI & LRTI in Children
What are the clinical signs of to...,
What are the clinical sign of the...,
What can rhinitis lead onto
29  cards
LRTI in Adults
What are the clinical features of...,
When to see a gp with bronchitis,
What are the signs of a copd exac...
31  cards
Describe the global distribution ...,
Where in uk is tb most prevalent,
How is tb transmitted
26  cards
What family of viruses does covid...,
What are the features of coronavi...,
Who can coronaviruses infect
36  cards
Radiology of lung cancer (investigations and staging)
What are the steps of a systemati...,
What do you look at with the hear...,
What do you look at with the medi...
26  cards
Pleural disease
What is pleural effusion,
What is the mechanism by which pl...,
What are the two types of effusion
42  cards
Pathology of lung cancer
What are the local signs of bronc...,
What are the local signs of bronc...,
What are the local sign of direct...
25  cards
Surgical management of lung cancer
What history signs help with stag...,
What examination signs help with ...,
What are you looking for on a cxr
26  cards
Non-surgical management of lung cancer
What are the types and prevalence...,
What is the 4 type of lung cancer...,
What are the types of pleural mes...
59  cards
Clinical features and staging
What are the symptoms of lung can...,
What are some metastatic symptoms...,
What are some symptoms of spinal ...
17  cards
Development aspects of lung disease
What are the 5 stages of lung dev...,
What happens during embryonic stage,
What happens during pseudoglandul...
66  cards
Sleep Apnoea and Neuromuscular Respiratory Failure
What is obstructive sleep apnoea,
What are the common presentations...,
Where is the obstruction in sleep...
56  cards
Pathology of Restrictive Lung Diseases
What happens to lung compliance i...,
What happens to fev1 and fvc in r...,
What is the presentation of diffu...
41  cards
Clinical Features and Management of Restrictive Lung diseases
What is the fvc for restrictive d...,
What are the types of restrictive...,
What are some pleural restrictive...
26  cards
Pulmonary vascular disease
What is a pulmonary embolism pe,
What is the prognosis for pes,
What are some risk factors of pes
38  cards
Cystic fibrosis
What is the genetics of cystic fi...,
If both parents are carriers what...,
Why does cf occur
56  cards
Cardiothoracic Surgery in Non Malignant Situations
What is a lung abscess,
How does a lung abscess come about,
How does pneumonia lead to lung a...
46  cards

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