This class was created by Brainscape user Jennifer Watson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Urinary System (Herron)
What structure conducts urine fro...,
Collecting ducts span what two po...,
Why do proximal convoluted tubule...
70  cards
Glomerular Structure & Mech of Disease (Nichols)
What is the glomerulus,
What glomerular component stains ...,
What glomerular component stains ...
77  cards
Glomerular Structure and Mechanisms of Disease (Word Doc)
What filters the liquid portion o...,
What do afferent arterioles branc...,
How does the glomerulus form embr...
131  cards
Homeostasis of Body Fluids (Rao)
T or f at steady state body fluid...,
To maintain homeostasis of body f...,
T or f for everyone there is a co...
78  cards
Quantitative Renal Phys or Eval of Renal Fuction (Rao)
Mass flow formula,
For solutes that are ingested and...,
For solutes that are produced onl...
28  cards
Overview of Renal Structure and Function
Na is restricted to intracellular...,
What determines the size of the e...,
The ecfv determines
18  cards
PT disorders (panda's sheet)
Hartnup disease
37  cards
Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration (Rao)
Explain how renal failure can lea...,
What is esrd,
Urine from a calyx flows into __ ...
47  cards
Regulation of Sodium Balance and ECFV (Rao)
Why is it important to regulate ecfv,
What determines ecfv,
What keeps plasma na constant
55  cards
Reabsorption/Secretion in the Proximal Tubule
T or f the proximal tubule pt is ...,
What is important for regulation ...,
How do you calculate the rate of ...
34  cards
Loop of Henle, DT, and CD (Rao)
What is the function of the dt,
According to physiologist where d...,
What maintains the ph of urine fr...
40  cards
Distal Tubular Disorders
What are the na disorders,
What is the etiology of bartter s...,
What is the etiology of neonatal ...
44  cards
What is used to analyze sediment ...,
Wy is the urine centrifuged,
Specific gravity is determined by
37  cards
K+ metabolism
Normal american diet contain appr...,
What is the intracell conc on k,
What is the extracell conc of k
80  cards
Regulation of Body Fluid Osmolarity (Rao)
How is thirst centrally regulated,
The kidney has a high low capacit...,
What is the formula for plasma os...
33  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome 1
What are some key features of nep...,
What is the key cell involved in ...,
What are some key features of nep...
44  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome 2
What are the 2 podoctyopathies,
Who usually gets minimal change d...,
What is the most common cause of ...
52  cards
Nephritic Syndrome
What disorder is caused by subend...,
What disorder is caused by mesang...,
Acute nephritic syndrome is chara...
40  cards
Acid Base
What is an acid,
What is a base,
What are the 2 types of acids we ...
105  cards
Nephrology Small Group Questions
Jd has slowly progressive chronic...,
What does an increase in serum cr...,
How is the amount of creatinine p...
123  cards
Acute Kidney Injury
What characterizes renal failure,
How is acute kidney injury charac...,
T or f urine output is always dec...
49  cards
HTN & The Kidney
What 4 organ systems are involved...,
What is prehypertension defined a...,
What are the characteristics of e...
58  cards
How is ckd defined,
How is ckd diagnosed,
What is the 1 cause of secondary htn
67  cards
Calcium & Phosphate Metabolism
What happens to the pulse wave ve...,
What is ckd bone mineral disease,
What are the 4 functions of phosp...
51  cards
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
T or f kidney stones are common w...,
In which gender are kidney stones...
48  cards
The Kidney in Systemic Disease 1/2
What are 4 vascular injury syndromes,
What are the 2 pathogenesises of ...,
What are the differences between ...
59  cards
Renal Syndromes: Test Review
What are the 4 ways to diagnose a...,
What are the 5 types of glomerula...,
What are the 3 types of tubular s...
78  cards
Kidney Lab Tests
If the Lab test is given, give all of the diseases in which the results are significant If the disease is given, give the lab results This information came from Walls handout, please correct me if I'm wrong
24  cards
Kidney Imaging Studies
For each imaging study, give the diagnosis possible and/or what it assesses Number of answers listed
8  cards
Tubulointerstitial Diseases I/II
What is atn how does it present,
What are the common causes types ...,
What is the gross pathology of atn
64  cards
Renal Neoplasms
What is the most common neoplasm ...,
What is an angiomyolipoma,
What is angiomyolipoma most often...
40  cards
Diabetes Nephropathy
T or f dn is the most common caus...,
T or f development is strongly ge...,
Describe the early changes assc w...
24  cards
Urinary Tract Obstruction
3 most common places for obstruction,
What are the 2 ways the bladder c...,
What factors determine the sympto...
12  cards

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