This class was created by Brainscape user rowan cross. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

criminological psychology understanding
Define crime,
Define anti social behaviour
2  cards
biological explanation of crime: amygdala
What does the left side of the am...,
What does the right side of the a...
11  cards
biological explanation of crime: brain injury
Describe the role of the frontal ...,
Describe the role of the temporal...,
Describe the role of the parietal...
23  cards
biological explanation of crime: XYY
What does the xyy theory focus on,
What is a chromosome,
How many pairs of chromosomes do ...
17  cards
biological explanation of crime: personality
What is meant by personality,
What are some characteristic trai...,
Summarise eysenck s personality t...
55  cards
biological explanation of crime: gender
How does brain injury explain gen...,
How does the amygdala explain gen...,
How does xyy explain gender diffe...
11  cards
social explanation of crime: social learning theory
Define attention with link to crime,
Define retention with link to crime,
Define reproduction with link to ...
18  cards
social explanation of crime: labelling
Define labelling,
How does labelling link to crimin...,
What is primary deviance
13  cards
social explanation of crime: self fulfilling prophecy
What is meant by self fulfilling ...,
What is the golem effect,
What is the pygmalion effect
10  cards
social explanation of crime: gender
0  cards
contemporary study: howells et al
State the 2 aims of howells 2005,
What was the iv,
What was the dv
26  cards
treatment of offenders: CBT - anger management
What does novaco describe anger as,
What is the assumption of anger m...,
What is the cycle of anger
7  cards
treatment of offenders: hormone treatment
What did bradbury and kaye say ab...,
What is an anti androgen,
What is testosterone
11  cards
factors affecting eye witness testimony
What is meant by eye witness test...,
What was the devlin committee,
What did the devlin committee find
20  cards
cognitive interview
What did typical police interview...,
What was the purpose of the cogni...,
What memory models explain poor r...
36  cards
methodology: research methods
- lab and field studies - case studies
14  cards
key question
What is the key question for crim...,
What is eye witness testimony,
What is the devlin report
13  cards
State the aim of the practical,
State the operationalised iv,
State the operationalised dv
24  cards
ethical interviewing
What is a due process,
Describe issues with traditional ...,
What does peace stand for
10  cards
methodology: meta analysis
What is meant by a meta analysis,
If a number of studies separately...,
How does a meta analysis adjudica...
12  cards
methodology: case formulation
State 6 characteristics purposes ...,
What is phase 1,
What is the purpose of offender a...
25  cards
jury decision making: pre trial publicity
What is a jury,
Why would a juror be disqualified,
Describe the process of the jury ...
33  cards
AO3 studies
Raine not bio classic study,
Yang 2009,
Gotz et al
40  cards

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psychology 5: criminal

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