This class was created by Brainscape user PSYC Student. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

What is Abnormal Psychology?
What is abnormal psychology,
What entails the empirical method...,
What is the history behind the de...
16  cards
Classification & Diagnosis
What are the current classificati...,
What are the underlying assumptio...,
What is the aim of the medical model
7  cards
What are some damages associated ...,
Anger comorbid conditions,
How is anger everywhere in the ds...
15  cards
Anxiety Disorders
What is anxiety,
Three systems of anxiety,
Eliciting conditions for anxiety
42  cards
Addictive Disorders: Substance
0  cards
Addictive Disorders: Gambling
Gambling and problem gambling def...,
Gambling and problem gambling def...,
Psychosocial motivation for gambling
48  cards
Eating Disorders: Anorexia
What does anorexia nervosa coined...,
What is pica ed,
What is rumination ed
21  cards
Eating Disorders: Bulimia
What constitutes a binge eating e...,
What is the difference between bn...,
What are the criteria for bulimia...
19  cards
Eating Disorders: BED
Was bed in the dsm iv,
What are the two qualifying crite...,
What are the other criteria for bed
18  cards
What changed in the mood disorder...,
Describe the symptoms of a major ...,
What changed between dsm iv and d...
28  cards
Child: Mood disorders
What are the most common diagnose...,
What are the most common diagnose...,
Depression in childhood epidemiology
14  cards
Child: ADHD
What is the argument over adhd,
What is the lifetime impairment c...,
What is the inattention for suffe...
20  cards
Child: Conduct
What did the kim cohen et al 2003...,
What does conduct problems entail,
What are the criteria for odd
22  cards
Child: Treatment
What are the principles for effec...,
Ecology of the child,
Developmentaly minded
19  cards
Bipolar and related disorders
Differences in dsm iv and v for b...,
Bipolar i manic episode symptoms a d,
Bipolar disorder ii hypomanic epi...
19  cards
What is psychosis,
What is schizophrenia,
What is the dsm criteria for schi...
33  cards
Personality Disorders
What is personality,
What is a personality disorder ac...,
What are the core features of pds 4
51  cards
Sexual Dysfunctions
How prevalent is sexual dysfunction,
What what are the criteria sexual...,
What are the specifiers subtypes
18  cards
Alternatives to Individual Psychopathology
0  cards
Health Psychology (Cancer)
0  cards

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psyc3018 abnormal psychology

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