principles of vet nursing

This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie O'Leary. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Principles of infection
What does successful transmission...,
Define infection,
Define disease
16  cards
The ascarid group type of roundwo...,
Describe the lifecycle of toxocar...,
Describe toxocara canis in a preg...
11  cards
Care of The Hospitalised Patient
What are some questions to ask wh...,
How should the patient be identif...,
What is the law regarding permane...
15  cards
Elementary Microbiology
What is a prokaryotic give examples,
What is a eukaryotic give examples,
What are the different types of b...
10  cards
Administration of Medication
What is systemic administration,
What are the different routes of ...,
What does local effect mean
19  cards
Patient Examination
What should a general exam begin ...,
When assessing the patient walkin...,
What is the normal resp rate in d...
14  cards
Wound Healing and Management
What are the 7 stages of wound he...,
Describe stage one the vascular s...,
Describe the second stage inflamm...
21  cards
Animal First Aid
What should be prepared upon arri...,
What is considered a life threate...,
What are first aid advice to give...
20  cards
Blood Sample Collection
What is venepuncture,
When should blood sampling ideall...,
What can occur is a patient that ...
14  cards
Infection Control
Explain the term antiseptic,
Explain the term disinfectant,
What does the term disinfection mean
8  cards
IV Catheters and Care
What are iv catheters used for ho...,
What are the two types of iv cath...,
What factors should be considered...
10  cards
Animal Welfare
What is the definition of animal ...,
What is the definition of anthrop...,
What is included under section 16...
14  cards
Kennel Cleaning
What is the first part of cleanin...,
What is the second part of cleani...,
What is the process of cleaning a...
5  cards

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principles of vet nursing

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