This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Mullen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Growth and Development
Proximal distal,
What are the caloric requirements...
62  cards
Who publishes updated immunizatio...,
At what age do children get the h...,
What should be done for an infant...
24  cards
What does phenotype refer to,
What does genotype refer to,
How many generations should be in...
16  cards
Perinatal/Newborn Health Screening
What is the name for the meds mom...,
What is appropraite for gestation...,
What is large for gestational age...
33  cards
Infant Health
What age is the newborn period cl...,
What age is the infancy period cl...,
A term used to describe unequal l...
17  cards
Toddler and Preschool Health
At what age should a pcp begin ch...,
What term is used to describe bow...,
What term is used to describe kno...
18  cards
School-Age Health
What is the average growth in ter...,
What is the average growth in ter...,
At what age to girls reach peak h...
17  cards
Adolescent Health
On average how much does a female...,
What is tanner stage 3 considered...,
What is tanner stage 3 considered...
14  cards
Cardiovascular Issues and Disorders
What heart sound is heard when th...,
What heart sound is heard when th...,
What is the period between s1 and s2
54  cards
Gastrointestinal Issues and Disorders
What is a nonspecific term applie...,
What virus is responsible for abo...,
What is considered moderate dehyd...
40  cards
Dermatological Disorderd and Communicable Diseases
What 3 things need to be used eac...,
A flat discoloration eg freckles ...,
An elevated firm lesion 1cm
64  cards
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Issues and Disorders
What is a common staphylococcal a...,
What is another word for a stye,
What has an abrupt onset is acute...
38  cards
Respiratory Issues and Disorders
What does egophany sound like,
What does egophany mean,
What kind of disease results when...
24  cards
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Osgood schlatter disease and toxi...,
What is characterized by inflamma...,
What is the peak age for osgood s...
41  cards
Neurological Issues and Disorders
Cn i,
Cn ii,
Cn iii
34  cards
Hematological Issues and Disorders
The expression of the average vol...,
The expression of the average hem...
34  cards
Endocrine Issues and Disorders
What is considered diagnostic for...,
What is it called when nocturnal ...,
What is it called when tissue bec...
18  cards
GU and GYN Issues and Disorders
Enuresis where children have neve...,
Enuresis where a child has been d...,
Incontinence during sleep
32  cards

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pnp exam

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