This class was created by Brainscape user Sydney DeCamp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

˗ˏˋ introduction ´ˎ˗
Anthropology is derived from what...,
What is holism,
What is fieldwork
70  cards
˗ˏˋ evolution ´ˎ˗
What is evolution,
What was aristotle s role in evol...,
What did the book history of anim...
81  cards
˗ˏˋ biology and genetics ´ˎ˗
What are ancient biomolecules,
What is the human genome project,
What are proteins
107  cards
˗ˏˋ evolution forces ´ˎ˗
What is the universal ancestor,
What are phylogenies,
What are the origins of life
65  cards
˗ˏˋ race and variation ´ˎ˗
What is human variation,
What is ethncity,
What is race
36  cards
˗ˏˋ exam one ´ˎ˗
Who is franz boas,
What is a species,
What is eugenics
40  cards
˗ˏˋ primates ´ˎ˗
What order are primates in,
How old is the primate order,
What is homology
41  cards
˗ˏˋ primate behavior ´ˎ˗
What is primatology,
What is ecology,
How many species of primate is there
35  cards
˗ˏˋ fossils ´ˎ˗
Who is mary anning 1799 1847,
What does it mean to be extant,
What is deep time
48  cards
˗ˏˋ primate evolution ´ˎ˗
What are adaptive radiations,
What are plesiadapiforms,
What are euprimates
32  cards
˗ˏˋ hominins ´ˎ˗
What is a hominin,
What is a last common ancestor lca,
What are paleoanthropologists
57  cards
˗ˏˋ genus homo ´ˎ˗
What are features of the genus homo,
What role does climate change pla...,
What is the
13  cards
˗ˏˋ archaic homo ´ˎ˗
What is the caveman stigma,
What does it mean to be ethnocentric,
What is anthropocentrism
25  cards
˗ˏˋ modern homo sapiens ´ˎ˗
What type of traits do humans have,
What are human skeletal traits,
47  cards
˗ˏˋ exam two ´ˎ˗
What is a generalized trait,
What is a dental formula,
What are the diets of primates
44  cards
˗ˏˋ archaeology ´ˎ˗
What is the register of professio...,
What is the society for american ...,
What is a survey
47  cards
˗ˏˋ archaeology history ´ˎ˗
Who were diderot and d alembert,
What is archaeological theory,
What are thunderstones
39  cards
˗ˏˋ agriculture ´ˎ˗
When did humans shift to agriculture,
What is agriculture,
What is domestication
15  cards
˗ˏˋ towers, villages, and longhouses ´ˎ˗
What happened in the middle east,
What is the fertile crescent,
What is stage one the kebaran and...
26  cards
˗ˏˋ diversity ´ˎ˗
What was domesticated in ethophia...,
Who two cereals were critical for...,
What crop was domesticated in wes...
41  cards
˗ˏˋ social complexity ´ˎ˗
How is most of the world divided,
What is legitimacy,
What is an egalitarian society
10  cards
˗ˏˋ cities and pyramids ´ˎ˗
What is mesopotamia,
What are the tigris and euphrates...,
What is the uruk period
49  cards
˗ˏˋ exam three´ˎ˗
What are horizontal excavations,
What is vertical excavation,
What are artifacts
30  cards

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physical anthropology ⋆·˚ ༘ *

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