This class was created by Brainscape user Gabe McAlinden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

The Teleological Arguement
What did david hume call a priori,
What did david hume call a poster...,
What was william paley s position...
91  cards
Rationalism Vs Empiricism
What is epistemology,
Who was the major proponent of ra...,
Who was the major proponent of em...
17  cards
The Ontological Arguement
Who came up with the ontological ...,
List the philosophers who support...,
List the critiques of the ontolog...
38  cards
Descartes Ontological Arguement
Define cartesian,
What did descartes believe was im...,
How did descartes describe god
14  cards
Malcolm's Ontological Arguement
When did norman malcolm live,
Which two philosophers was malcol...,
What challenge to descartes ontol...
11  cards
Plantinga's Ontological Arguement
What is modal logic,
What do philosophers concern them...,
What did plantinga see god as
8  cards
Types of evil
How did hick define evil and suff...,
What is non moral evil,
How did hick define non moral evil
23  cards
The problem of evil
What did epicurus say about the t...,
What is an inconsistent triad,
What is evil incompatible with ac...
18  cards
Augustinian theodicy
What is a theodicy,
What does a theodicy aim to do,
When did augustine live
31  cards
Cosmological Arguement
Why is it also known as the first...,
How was the cosmological arguemen...,
What three different parts is the...
60  cards
Irenaean Theodicy
Where do ireneaus and augustine a...,
Where do i and a disagree in term...,
Why did i believe that free will ...
22  cards
Religious language: introduction
Why is the way is which concepts ...,
How will language how it is used ...,
What recurrent theme appears in r...
12  cards
Religious language: Analogy and symbol
What do analogy and symbol act as...,
What is analogy one of the key to...,
Give an example of the use of ana...
139  cards
Religious language: Verification and falsification debates
What has been at the centre of la...,
Which two major themes have defin...,
When did logical positivism becom...
226  cards
Process Theodicy
Who is process theodicy associate...,
How does process theodicy underst...,
How is evil the result of free wi...
10  cards
Platinga's free will defence
How does platinga disagree with m...,
What does p focus on,
Give a quote from p where he stat...
12  cards
Relationship between religion and morality
What is the euthyphro dilemma,
What does it ask in plainer english,
Who decides what is good in the d...
119  cards
Influences and developments in religious belief
What has happened to religious be...,
Give an example of how religions ...
306  cards
Religious experience
What is a religious experience,
Why is it hard to define religiou...,
How does william james define re
107  cards
Mackie text
What are the two forms the proble...,
Explain the logical problem of evil,
Explain the evidential problem of...
47  cards
Russel Copleston text
Why do they define their terms at...,
What position does russell take,
What do they agree to define god as
38  cards

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