This class was created by Brainscape user Jake Swait. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Body/soul distinction
What is substance dualism,
What is materialism,
What evidence is there for dualism
39  cards
In the allegory of the cave what ...,
In the allegory of the cave what ...,
In the allegory of the cave what ...
30  cards
What did aristotle believe about ...,
What was aristotle interested in,
What does aetion mean
28  cards
Religious experience
What are the key issues for this ...,
For otto what are the features of...,
What does james say about conversion
47  cards
Attributes of God - eternity
Why does jantzen argue for god be...,
What are the strengths of jantzen...,
What are the issues with jantzen ...
31  cards
Attributes of God - Omniscience
What is swinburne s model of omni...,
Why does swinburne argue that god...,
What does swinburne say about a t...
27  cards
Forms of religious language - analogy
What is univocal language,
What happens when univocal langua...,
What is equivocal language
19  cards
Forms of religious language - symbols
What was the first thing tillich ...,
What was the second thing tillich...,
What was the third thing tillich ...
29  cards
Forms of religious language - Via Negative
What did pseudo dionysius say abo...,
What did pseudo dionysius say abo...,
What did pseudo dionysius say abo...
21  cards
Teleological argument
What are the key issues for the t...,
What is an inductive argument,
What are deductive arguments
24  cards
Teleological argument - Part 2
What does darwin say about design,
What was tennant s anthropic prin...,
What does tennant say about analy...
13  cards
Cosmological argument
What was aquinas first way,
Give an example of motion in the ...,
Why did aquinas believe that the ...
15  cards
Criticisms of the Cosmological Argument
What did hume say about the expla...,
What does copleston say about hum...,
What does hume say about the begi...
9  cards
Ontological argument - Anselm
What does anselm state in the mon...,
Why did anselm argue that we all ...,
Where did anselm argue we derive ...
26  cards
Ontological argument - Descartes
How did descartes define god,
What did descartes argue about ex...,
What did descartes argue saying g...
16  cards
The Problem of evil
What type of argument is the prob...,
What was epicurus inconsistent triad,
Give hume s quote
13  cards
Augustine's theodicy
What is the first step of augusti...,
What is the second step of august...,
How does augustine support the se...
24  cards
Irenaeus' theodicy
What was the first step of irenae...,
Where did irenaeus first step com...,
What example does irenaeus give t...
30  cards
Attributes of God - Omnipotence
How did descartes define omnipotence,
What did descartes mean by his de...,
What are the strengths of descart...
28  cards
Attributes of God - Benevolence
What issue is posed to god s bene...,
If god is benevolent what should ...,
What does wiles say about action
12  cards
Attributes of God - further reading
What model of god s omnipotence d...,
What do mctaggart and hobbes say ...,
What language framework does almi...
12  cards
Religious language - verificationists
What is the verification principle,
Give an example of deductive reas...,
What was the consequence of the v...
31  cards
Religious language - falsification
What was karl popper s falsificat...,
How does flew apply popper s prin...,
What is the beginning of flew s p...
30  cards
Religious language - Wittgenstein
What did hume say about language ...,
What did kant say about empiricism,
What was moore s approach to lang...
23  cards

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