This class was created by Brainscape user Jose Millan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Neurology and Development
What is acute cerebellar ataxia a...,
What are sxs that would suggest a...,
Give a differential diagnosis for...
58  cards
Common Presentations
Fever, UTI, OM, URI, LRI, Asthma, Croup, Abdominal Pain, NVD, Head Injuries, Bronchiolitis
34  cards
Pain and Procedural Sedation
What are quick solutions to the f...,
What useful properties does ketam...,
What are contraindications to usi...
10  cards
Trauma and Critical Care
Trauma, PALS, NRP
49  cards
What signs and symptoms would you...,
What treatments should you consid...,
What signs and symptoms would you...
42  cards
Special Topics
What criteria are used to say an ...,
What history should be obtained f...,
What workup should be done for br...
36  cards
1 what is the presentation of ery...,
What is the presentation of eryth...,
What is the presentation and mana...
21  cards
What is the pneumonic for salter ...,
Which salter harris fractures war...,
How should you manage a suspected...
18  cards
GU and Renal
What is the presentation and mana...,
What is the presentation of hydro...,
Give a differential diagnosis for...
24  cards
If a cbc shows a microcytic anemi...,
If a cbc shows a macrocytic anemi...,
If a cbc shows a normocytic anemi...
14  cards
Give a ddx for gi emergencies in ...,
Give a ddx for gi emergencies in ...,
Give a ddx for gi emergencies in ...
29  cards
What are typical presentations of...,
How does a new diagnosis of conge...,
Give a ddx for acquired heart dis...
38  cards
How should you size an et tube in...,
What is hsv gingivostomatitis and...,
Describe important anatomical dif...
49  cards
Describe the presentation and dia...,
What is the treatment of congenit...,
What is the rule of 50 for glucos...
29  cards
Infectious Disease
What are physcial exam and vital ...,
What are the sirs criteria and ho...,
What is the sepsis bundle to alwa...
32  cards
What tests should be done if ocul...,
Describe ocular gaze deviations e...,
Describe a presentation of orbita...
4  cards
What psychiatric drug is associat...,
What type of foods should be avoi...
2  cards
Genetics Recognition
What are common physical exam fea...,
What is lesch nyhan syndrome how ...
2  cards

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pediatric emergency medicine

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