pbcp- introduction to physiology and blood

This class was created by Brainscape user fintan mccollum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1. Cell metabolism and Membrane transport
List the 7 factors affecting solu...,
What conditions are necessary for...,
What is facilitated diffusion
22  cards
2. Cell excitability: resting membrane potential
What is meant by an excitable cell,
What is a seizure,
What is hyperkalaemia
17  cards
3. Action Potentials
List the main ap properties,
What are the key mechanisms of an...,
What happens when the permeabilit...
14  cards
4. Muscle contraction
What are the three types of muscle,
What is meant by the term contrac...,
What are the structures that make...
38  cards
5. Intergrative mechanisms: chemical signalling
What is an autocrine signalling m...,
What are the 2 extracellular sign...,
What are features of receptors
11  cards
6. Intergrative Mechanisms: neuronal control
What is the white matter of the s...,
What is the grey matter of the sp...,
What is brain tissue divided into
24  cards
7. The Automatic Nervous System
What are the 3 divisions of the a...,
What are the functions of the ans,
What does the ans extrinsically r...
27  cards
9. Homeostasis and Control Systems
Define homeostasis,
What are the different types of c...,
What is negative feedback
20  cards
10. Compartments
What is physiology,
What is pathophysiology,
What are the two different body s...
14  cards
11. Blood:erythrocyte function and life cycle
What are the components of blood ...,
What is the function of red blood...,
What is the function of white blo...
32  cards
12. Blood: Leucocytes and Plasma proteins
What are the functions of white b...,
What is the two classifications o...,
What are the features of polymorp...
30  cards
13. Blood haemostasis and clot lysis
What is haemostasis,
What are the three stages o f hae...,
What are vascular spasms
22  cards
14. Erythrocytes, haemoglobin and haemoglobin genes
Why are rbc that specific shape,
What is the function of erythrocyte,
What does adult hb contain
17  cards

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pbcp- introduction to physiology and blood

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