This class was created by Brainscape user Clelia Serra. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Introduction to orthodontics
What is malocclusion,
What is dentofacial orthopaedics,
What are the 3 types of appliances
32  cards
Aetiology of malocclusion - skeletal pattern and soft tissues
How does the relationship of the ...,
How do soft tissues affect the po...,
Teeth in malocclusion are in a st...
69  cards
Aetiology of malocclusion - local causes
What are the dental causes of mal...,
What are the local causes of malo...,
What is meant by the tooth tissue...
37  cards
Biomechanics and tooth movement
What are the 3 types of tooth mov...,
What are pre eruptive movements,
What are eruptive movements
41  cards
Functional Appliances in Orthodontics
What do functional appliances do,
When do you use functional applia...,
Who wears functional appliance
24  cards
Removable Appliances in Orthodontics
What are the advanages of removab...,
What are the disadvantages of rem...,
What is the risk with fixed that ...
45  cards
Fixed Appliances in Orthodontics 1
What are the types of movement in...,
What are the problems with fixed ...,
What are the positives of using f...
36  cards
Fixed Appliances in Orthodontics 2
What was the experiment that lead...,
What are the 6 keys,
What is a class i molar relationship
25  cards
First permanent molar in orthodontics
When is the best time and positio...,
What are the implications for los...,
Why is orthodontic treatment prol...
21  cards
Interceptive orthodontics
What is the orthodontic timetable,
When is the best time for orthodo...,
What is the primary dentition whe...
46  cards
Materials in orthodontics
Which materials are commonly used...,
What are the biocompatibility con...,
What is pmma
56  cards
Treatment of class II malocclusion
What is class ii occlusion,
What is the main limiting factor ...,
What is used to treat class ii ma...
23  cards
Treatment class III malocclusion
What is the british standard clas...,
How can the skeletal pattern of c...,
Why is it a problem if the patien...
17  cards
Treatment of class I malocclusion
What is the classification of inc...,
What are the different problems w...,
What is the aetiology of crowding
26  cards
Extractions in orthodontics
What is the only alternative to e...,
What is the problem with anterior...,
What causes relapse with anterior...
23  cards
Management of the ectopic maxillary canines
When is the maxillary canine palp...,
What is the width of maxillary ca...,
What is the difference between ec...
32  cards

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