This class was created by Brainscape user Alice Ditchfield. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Introduction to Ophthalmology
How is transparency of the cornea...,
What is the sclera describe it,
How can you visually differentiat...
51  cards
Acute red eye
What are 8 causes of the acute re...,
What are 7 diseases that can affe...,
What is blepharitis
114  cards
What is a cataract,
What are the 3 types of cataracts,
What happens in cataracts to vision
41  cards
What is the definition of glaucoma,
What are 2 groups into which glau...,
What is the difference between pr...
88  cards
Age-related macular degeneration
What can age related macular dege...,
What is the commonest cause of bl...,
What will happen to numbers of am...
72  cards
Ophthalmic emergencies
What is the definition of an opht...,
What are 4 groups that ophthalmic...,
What are 2 of the commonest cause...
243  cards
Loss of vision
What is the first most important ...,
Why is it important to ask about ...,
What type of cause of loss of vis...
188  cards
Systemic disease and the eye
What is the most common of all sy...,
What forms of sight impairment re...,
What is a key endocrine disease a...
136  cards
Diabetic eye disease
What are 9 diseases of the eye ca...,
What is meant by neurotrophic cornea,
What are the two most important d...
143  cards
Cataract surgery
What is the anatomy behind short ...,
How can you tell if glasses are f...,
What is the anatomy behind long s...
111  cards
Lid lumps
What are the two broad groups int...,
What are the 4 layers of the eyelid,
How can the skin on the outer sur...
106  cards
Treatment of glaucoma
Why is it important to maintain a...,
What is the constant pressure tha...,
What maintains the correct pressu...
58  cards
Paediatric ophthalmology
What is the definition of amblyopia,
Which age group is amblyopia uniq...,
What is a laymans term often used...
87  cards
Ocular therapeutics
Label the following on the diagra...,
Describe the path which light tak...,
What are the 2 main layers that l...
87  cards
Choroidal melanoma
Why is choroidal melanoma an impo...,
What ethnic regional groups are m...,
In which part of hte world is cho...
60  cards
Impact of sight loss
Who makes the recommendation for ...,
What are 2 types of visual impair...,
What is meant by blind severely s...
31  cards
Double vision case
A patient presents with a droopy ...,
What is meant by binocular diplopia,
What are the causes of binocular ...
27  cards
Central retinal artery occlusion
A patient presents with a week hi...,
What is shown in the fundal photo...,
What are the likely findings on e...
26  cards
A child is brought in whose eyes ...,
Who will first see a child with s...,
What is the role of the orthoptis...
36  cards
Contact lens wearer case
A 25 year old female chinese stud...,
What are 4 key things to examine ...,
Examination of the 25 year old co...
25  cards

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