This class was created by Brainscape user Maaria Az. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Week 1: Gross Anatomy
Function of cornea iris pupil len...,
Transverse horizontal
24  cards
Week 10: Sclera, Conjunctiva & Limbus
What is the sclera,
What is the episclera,
What are the three layers of the ...
8  cards
Week 10: The Lids
What is the embryology of the eye...,
What are the functions of eyelids,
What is the inner canthus and the...
22  cards
Week 9: The Vitreous Body
What is the vitreous body,
Extra info,
What is the lenticular hyaloid fossa
6  cards
Week 9: The Lens
What is the lens,
What is the location of the lens,
What is the dioptric power of the...
17  cards
Week 9: Uvea 3
What is the choroid,
What are the layers within the ch...,
What is the suprachoriod
6  cards
Week 8: Uvea 2 & Ciliary Body
What is the ciliary body,
What s the pars plicata and pars ...,
What are the three main structure...
15  cards
Week 8: The Uvea 1
What are the structures of the uvea,
What does the uvea contain,
What is the iris
14  cards
Week 8: Developmental Abnormalities Embyology
What time to errors in embryogene...,
What is a congenital abnormality,
What are some examples of congeni...
12  cards
Week 7: Ocular Embryology 3
What is the embryonic development...,
What is the retinal development t...,
What is mesenchyme
20  cards
Week 7: Ocular Embryology 1 & 2
What is neurulation,
What are the primary brain vesicles,
What are the 5 distinct regions o...
14  cards
Week 7: General Emryology
What is the human development of ...,
What is the human development tim...,
What is the human development tim...
28  cards
Week 7: OAP Lab 2
How many cranial bones and facial...,
What are the bones of the skull j...,
What are the eight cranial bones
54  cards
Week 6: Cranial Nerves
What are the special sense nerves,
What are the somatic motor nerves...,
What are the somatic motor nerves...
42  cards
Week 4: Intro To The Nervous System + Retina
What is the nervous system split ...,
What is the enteric nervous system,
What does the somatic nervous sys...
61  cards
Week 4: Sheep Eye Disseciton
What is the cornea,
What is the sclera,
What is the optic nerve
6  cards
Week 3: Extra-Ocular Muscles
Where do eom originate,
Explain the spiral of tillaux,
What is tenon s capsule
36  cards
Week 3: Background Info Eyes
What sort of eye movements do you...,
What are names of eye movements,
Types of reflex eye movements 3
16  cards
Week 2: Orbit And Face
What are the facial bones 8,
What and where is mandible,
What and where is maxillary bones
11  cards
Week 2: Skull, Head And Neck
What are the three major regions,
What is a suture,
What is a foramina
24  cards

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oap optometry

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