This class was created by Brainscape user Suzanne Maggioni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (46)

UE Muscle actions: shoulder
Shoulder flexion,
Shoulder extension,
Shoulder abduction
14  cards
Exercise Physiology
Energy system used for high inten...,
The phosphagen system represents ...,
Supplies atp during high intensit...
8  cards
Special Tests
Pt in supine with arm in 90 abduc...,
Supine arm at 90 flexion ir poste...,
Arm in 20 30 abduction arm pulled...
28  cards
Contraindications for mobilization s,
Small amplitude movement performe...,
Large amplitude movement performe...
13  cards
Therapeutic Exercise 2
Prom is only performed within the...,
The ability of soft tissue to ret...,
Time dependent property of soft t...
32  cards
MSK Pharmacology
What do dmards do,
When are dmards used
25  cards
MSK Pathology 1
Achilles tendonitis most often im...,
Activities frequently associated ...,
S s of achilles tendonitis
28  cards
MSK Pathology 2
Gh instability,
Gh instability subluxation,
Gh instability dislocation
37  cards
MSK Pathology 3
Osgood schlatter disease aka,
Osgood schlatter disease etiology,
Osgood schlatter disease s s
33  cards
MSK Pathology 4
Scoliosis types,
Scoliosis functional,
Scoliosis neuromuscular
17  cards
Distal interphalangeal splint,
Conditions for using distal inter...,
Ulnar gutter splint
16  cards
After tha which movements are avo...,
Which muscle is typically comprom...,
Which procedure is used for shoul...
21  cards
A posterior leaf spring orthoses ...,
Function of a floor reaction afo,
This type of orthoses allows some...
11  cards
Prosthetics Components
Transradial elbow units,
Transradial wrist units,
Transradial and transhumeral term...
16  cards
Prosthetics 2
Types of post operative dressings,
Rigid post operative dressings ad...,
Rigid post operative dressings di...
25  cards
Prosthetics: Componentry
Single axis knee,
Influencing factors single axis k...,
Influencing factors single axis k...
20  cards
Residual Limb And Prosthesis Management
Interface between the rl and the ...,
Generally these areas are the mos...,
Most common socket design for tra...
15  cards
Prosthetics: Gait Deviations
Lateral bending prosthesis causes,
Lateral bending prosthesis causes...,
Lateral bending amputee causes
33  cards
Misc Amputation Considerations
Most common cause of forequarter ...,
Ue amputation commonly seen with ...,
Most common level of ue amputation
17  cards
Shoulder primary structures
This ligament forms a roof over t...,
This ligament surrounds the ac jt...,
This ligament acts as the primary...
16  cards
Shoulder articulations
Gh jt osteokinematic motions,
Gh jt loose packed position,
Gh jt close packed position
12  cards
UE muscle actions: elbow
Elbow flexion,
Elbow extension,
Forearm supination
4  cards
Elbow primary structures
This ligament surrounds the head ...,
This ligament stretches from the ...,
This is a triangular space at the...
10  cards
Elbow articulations
What are the 3 primary articulati...,
Radiohumeral jt osteokinematic mo...,
Radiohumeral jt loose packed posi...
13  cards
Wrist muscle actions
Wrist flexion,
Wrist extension,
Radial deviation
4  cards
Wrist primary structures
What structures form the anatomic...,
This structure is close to the de...,
This is the only major ligament o...
13  cards
Wrist articulations
Radiocarpal jt distal articulation,
Radiocarpal jt osteokinematic mot...,
Radiocarpal jt loose packed position
6  cards
Hip muscle actions
Hip flexion,
Hip extension,
Hip abduction
6  cards
Hip primary structures
The articular capsule is reinforc...,
Femoral triangle borders,
What passes through the femoral t...
8  cards
Hip articulations
Iliofemoral jt osteokinematic mot...,
Iliofemoral jt loose packed,
Iliofemoral jt close packed
4  cards
Knee muscle actions
Knee flexion,
Knee extension
2  cards
Knee primary structures
Function of acl,
This consists of the arcuate liga...,
Knee fat pads
10  cards
Knee articulations
Tibiofemoral jt osteokinematic mo...,
Tibiofemoral jt loose packed,
Tibiofemoral jt close packed
4  cards
Ankle and foot muscle actions
4  cards
Ankle and foot primary structures
Atfl resists these movements,
Atfl is taut in this position,
Cf ligament resists
10  cards
Ankle and foot articulations
This is formed by a fibrous union...,
This is formed by the articulatio...,
What type of jt is the talocrural jt
18  cards
Joint Classification
Fibrous jts,
Cartilaginous jts,
Synovial jts
19  cards
Joint receptors
Types of jt receptors,
Free nerve endings location,
Free nerve endings sensitivity
16  cards
Muscle physiology
Classification of muscle fibers a...,
Classification of muscle fibers a...,
Classification of muscle fibers w...
18  cards
Muscle receptors
Where are muscle spindles located,
Function of muscle spindles,
Gto locations
6  cards
Gait terminology
Of gait cycle stance swing,
Name rla term for heel strike,
Name rla term for foot flat
30  cards
Gait ROM/muscle activity
Rom requirements for normal gait ...,
Rom requirements for normal gait ...,
Rom requirements for normal gait ...
36  cards
Abnormal gait patterns
A protective gait pattern where t...,
A gait pattern characterized by s...,
A staggering gait pattern seen in...
15  cards
Gait deviations
Ankle and foot deviations,
Potential causes foot slap,
Potential causes toe down instead...
18  cards
Muscle testing
When a two joint muscle contracts...,
When a two joint muscle is length...,
What is a muscle insufficiency
17  cards
Sc joint elevation depression,
Sc joint protraction retraction,
Ac joint
21  cards

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npte study: msk

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