neuromuscular development/control i

This class was created by Brainscape user Haley Highsmith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Disablement Models
Why do we have disablement models,
Define a medical model,
Define a social model
33  cards
Neurological Examination
Yellow red flags worksheet,
Yellow flags associated with neur...,
Signs with rapid onset suggesting...
49  cards
CN II Visual Field Cuts Exam
0  cards
Cranial Nerve Exam
When are cranial nerves a priorit...,
Mnemonic to remember the order an...,
How to asses cn 1 olfactory
33  cards
Coordination and Balance Exam
Motor systems involved in coordin...,
Coordination impairments associat...,
Coordination impairments associat...
45  cards
Motor Control and Movement System Analysis of Tasks
Nature of movement,
Systems in the individual,
Tasks contraints
10  cards
Introduction to Gait
Critical events in weight accepta...,
Temporal variable in gait,
Line of gravity through the body
31  cards
Outcome Measures
What are outcome measures,
Why do we need outcome measures,
What happens when you pick the ri...
26  cards
Neuroplasticity and Motor Learning
What is neuroplasticity,
What levels can neuroplasticity o...,
Conceptual parallels between neur...
38  cards
Limitations and caveats to higt h...,
What is the purpose of higt cpg,
Clinicians should perform what wh...
5  cards
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) Based Assistive Techniques
What is ndt historically based on,
Historical concepts underlying nd...,
Current theoretical approach
31  cards
Exam 1 Study Guide
Modified ashworth scale scoring
57  cards
PNF of the UE and Upper Trunk
Describe pnf concepts,
Traditional goals of pnf,
Current perspectives on pnf
26  cards
PNF Lower Trunk and LE
Why pnf,
Discribe the history of pnf,
Describe pelvic patterns
31  cards
Stroke Interventions
Goals of assessment in emergency ...,
Describe assessment of orofacial ...,
Ways to help determine type of st...
58  cards
Recovery of Ambulation Post Stroke
Gait efficiency,
Stroke patients and their gait ef...,
Important information regarding p...
24  cards
OT and Stroke Recovery Through Technology
List common stroke,
Ot scope,
Classification of stroke in rehab
13  cards
SLP & Neurorestorative Approach to Care
What are speech language patholog...,
Cognitive communicative disorders,
Qualitative measures to assess co...
27  cards
UE Interventions Following Stroke
Statistics of ue involvement in s...,
Impact of poor ue recovery follow...,
Vascular reasons for poor ue reco...
18  cards
Stroke Acute Care & Unilateral Spatial Neglect & Pusher Syndrome
All patients admitted to hospital...,
What is required before initiatio...,
What does not need to have result...
42  cards
Cognitive and Behavioral Considerations for TBI
Describe the rancho locf,
Levels of consciousness as tbi pa...,
What must occur to determine one ...
27  cards
Describe the blood test for a con...,
Concussion specific symptoms,
Describe the vestibular ocular mo...
10  cards

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neuromuscular development/control i

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