This class was created by Brainscape user Adam Brass. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

BMS248 Lecture 2 - Methods in Neuroscience
What are sharp electrode intracel...,
What is the patch clamp technique...,
What are the 4 different configur...
15  cards
BMS248 Lecture 3 - Visual System
The right visual field activates ...,
What is the function of the retina,
Where does the retina project to ...
41  cards
BMS248 Lecture 4 - Olfactory and Gustatory systems
What is labelled line code,
What is combinatorial pattern code,
What receptor is involved in olfa...
28  cards
BMS248 Lecture 6 - Object Recognition (Ventral Stream)
What are the principles of the hi...,
Lesions in what decrease the abil...,
Where does the lgn receive input ...
16  cards
BMS248 Lecture 7 - Stimulus Localisation (Dorsal Stream)
What is the orienting reflex what...,
What are the areas involved in st...,
What is the main function of the ...
17  cards
BMS248 Lecture 9 - Learning and Memory
What is the acquisition of inform...,
What is the storage of learned in...,
What is the reacquisition of stor...
24  cards
BMS248 Lecture 10/11 - LTP + LTD
What is a hebbian synapse,
What area of the brain is primari...,
What is the pathway of the hippoc...
28  cards
BMS248 Lecture 12 - Drosophila Olfactory Learning
In classical conditioning when sh...,
What is the drosophila olfactory ...,
3rd order neurons kenyon cells sa...
26  cards
BMS248 Lecture 13 - Correction of faulty neural circuits
What is a channelrhodopsin what i...,
When chr is expressed in the moto...,
What is a halorhodopsin what is i...
16  cards
BMS248 Lecture 14 - Linking senses and behaviour to memory
What is the drift diffusion model...,
What does the model explain 2,
What 2 things is the drift diffus...
7  cards
BMS248 Lecture 5 - The Auditory System
What are the 4 features of sound ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
What are sound frequency intensit...
28  cards
BMS248 Lecture 8 - Sound localisation and sensory interaction
What is sound localisation,
Why is sound localisation important,
What are the two methods to local...
17  cards

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neural circuits

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