This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Kim. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

Lecture 2 and 3: Forebrain: Cerebral cortex and Thalamus, internal capsule
Blood supply to the brain,
Name and describe the function of...,
Name and describe the function of...
33  cards
Lecture 1: Human Brain
Name some important sulci,
What landmarks mark the frontal lobe,
What landmarks mark the occipital...
54  cards
Lecture 4, 5, 6: Spinal cord/Brainstem
Where would you see the 6 layer s...,
What is the name of the thin stru...,
What is the cauda equina
36  cards
Lecture 10: Inhalation Anaesthetic and Intravenous Anaesthetics
What is the triad of anaesthesia,
Describe the equilirbium of uptak...,
What are some hypotheses of how a...
36  cards
Lecture 11: Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs)
What are neuromuscular blocking a...,
Where do the nmba work,
What does nmba stand for
49  cards
Lecture 12: Local anaesthetics
Describe the physiology of nerve ...,
Describe the physiology of nerve ...,
What is the effect of anaesthetic...
30  cards
Lecture 15: Drug of abuse
What are the main definitions and...,
The syndrome is characteristic of...,
Briefly describe the mesolimbic d...
25  cards
Lecture 13: Basal Ganglia
What are the functions of basal g...,
What are the major nuclear compon...,
Describe the distinction in funct...
19  cards
Lecture 14: The Cerebellar and Pyramidal Motor Systems of the Brain
Describe the cerebellar system,
What ist he extrapyramidal system,
What is the pyramidal system
31  cards
Lecture 8: Cranial Nerve
Name all of the cranial nerves,
Which nerves are sensory which ar...,
Which nerves are involved in the ...
34  cards
Lecture 17: Sleep/EEG
Why do we need sleep,
What do the recent research on sl...,
True or false 1 all of us need 8 ...
16  cards
Lecture 18 and 19 : Hearing 1 & 2: Anatomy and Physiology
Describe 4 reasons why hearing is...,
Why is hearing with 2 ears important,
How does the ear interact with
48  cards
Lecture 9: Clinical 1: Sensation
If patient does not have sensory ...,
When youre approaching sensory ex...,
What sort of symptoms would you s...
22  cards
Lecture 16: Epilepsy
Define epilepsy and epileptic sei...,
Does epilepsy always produce loss...,
What are some causes of epilepsy
18  cards
Lecture 20: Hearing 3: Neural Processing of Sound
Which cranial nerve is responsibl...,
Type 1 spiral ganglion innervates...,
Briefly describe the distribution...
24  cards
Lecture 21: Ear Disease and Hearing Loss
Describe the eustachian tube,
Describe the pathway fromt he coc...,
What are the different types of h...
18  cards
Lecture 22: Hearing Assessment and Diagnosis Management of Hearing Impairment
Conductive hearing loss is due to...,
How would someone with conductive...,
What are some causes of conductiv...
14  cards
Lecture 25: Clinical 2: Cerebellar Disease
What is the function of the cereb...,
What are the neural fibres that g...,
What are the neural fibres that g...
30  cards
Lecture 23: Neuroradiology
What do you see,
Which side is the lesion why is i...,
Describe the lesion location appe...
26  cards
Lecture 24: Analgesic drugs 1
What are the effects of opiods op...,
What are the types of pain after ...,
What are possible routes of admin...
39  cards
Lecture 27: Disease of Motor Units
_________ are the most common sym...,
What is paralysis what are some t...,
What is paresis what are somet ye...
22  cards
Lecture 30: Neurotransmissions
Parts of a neuron,
What are atrocytes,
Are astrocytes homogenous
19  cards
Lecture 28: Stroke
What is stroke,
What are the main types of stroke,
Is stroke mostly focal or global
22  cards
Lecture 40: Schizophrenia & Depression
What are the 2 different types of...,
Explain how dopamine has been hyp...,
Explain how glutamate may be asso...
22  cards
Lecture 31: Amyotropic Lataeral Sclerosis
A 46 year old nz european man is ...,
What is polio,
What is amyotrophic lateral scler...
18  cards
Lecture 33: Analgesic drugs 2
What are the 3 types of pain,
What are nsaids,
Describe the mechanism of action ...
36  cards
Lecture 32: Vestibular physiology
Why do we often see symptoms that...,
Describe peoples sense of balance,
Maintenance of balance involves t...
37  cards
Lecture 35: Clinical Evaluation of balance
Balance is made up of,
What does vestibular,
What do you do in a clinical test...
33  cards
Lecture 38: Clinical 5: Hemiparesis & stroke
Define hemiparesis,
Define paraparesis,
What is pyramidal upper limb weak...
10  cards
Lecture 34: CSF
What are the anaomty of structure...,
What are the two types of meninges,
What is cbf
53  cards
Interesting Cranial Nerves
What clinical findings would you ...,
What clinical findings would you ...,
What clinical findings would you ...
18  cards
Lecture 26: Clinical 3: Reflexes & muscle tone
Reflex muscle contraction when th...,
Describe tendon jerks,
What nerve nerve roots are associ...
20  cards
Lecture 29: Parkinson's disease anti-Parkinson drugs
What are the motor and non motor ...,
What are the stages of parkinsons,
What are the criterias of diagnos...
8  cards
Lecture 39: Memory, Alzheimer's Disease
What are the structures associate...,
Describe the relationship between...,
What is dementia
17  cards
Lecture 41: Pain
Define pain,
What are the components of pain,
What are the different physiologi...
53  cards
Lecture 43: Injuries of the Spinal Cord
Injuries of the _______ are the m...,
Describe the effects of a hemisec...,
What are acute complete transecti...
13  cards
CMF tutorial
Where can lesions occur,
What would you observe when the a...,
What would you observe when the d...
39  cards

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nervous system

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