This class was created by Brainscape user Cayleigh Allen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

IRO 001 - Reliability Coordination
What is operational planning anal...,
What is real time assessment,
What are the four entities under ...
3  cards
Transmission Load Relief
7  cards
COM-001 and COM-002
Com 001 r1 r2reliability coordina...,
Com 001 r3 r4transmission operato...,
Com 001 r5 r6balancing authorityw...
12  cards
What does top 003 cover,
Top 003 r1,
Top 003 r2
7  cards
IRO 002/010 RC Data Specs
Monitoring & Analysis, RC Data Specification & Collection
10  cards
EOP-004 Event Reporting
Eop 004 reportable events what is...,
Eop 004 reportable events what is...,
Eop 004 reportable events what is...
18  cards
What is the intent of iro 008 and...,
Typical time frame of next day study,
Iro 008 r1
12  cards
IRO-014/017 Coordination Among RCs / Outages
Iro 014 if two rcs do not agree o...,
What is the time frame for review...,
What approval is needed on rc ope...
10  cards
Balancing, Interchange, ACE, AGC, Frequency etc
Ace equation,
71  cards
How does a change in voltage affe...,
How does frequency affect motor l...,
How does voltage affect capacitor...
27  cards
Contingency Analysis / Reliability
What are the 3 criteria that dete...,
What is operational planning anal...,
What inputs are included in both ...
21  cards
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
Who does an rc need to notify if ...,
How long does an rc take to revie...,
How much load is reduced for a gi...
30  cards
Missed Questions - Balance & Interchange
Each ba or rsg must review its co...,
Each ba shall plan to be able to ...,
In order for a generator to quali...
11  cards
Missed Questions - Transmission Ops
Constraint reached in normal or n...,
Generator excitation increasing i...,
Which of the following types of d...
12  cards
Missed Q's - Interconnection Reliability Operations
Rc monitors all interchange trans...,
If an rc detects a frequency erro...,
Can an rc request the time monito...
11  cards
Missed Q's: Emergency Preparedness / Operations
What would be the two most import...,
By reducing distribution voltage ...,
If a widespread disturbance is ex...
16  cards

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nerc system operator test

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