This class was created by Brainscape user Cameron Ross. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

written exam
Who ensures the accuracy of cetar...,
Which aim tool is used to develop...,
Which navedtra is the navy school...
82  cards
49  cards
Oral Board
What is the 5 step orm process,
What is high risk training,
What are types of high risk courses
36  cards
101 Safety Fundamentals
Explain the 3 parts of the five s...,
What is the second step in the or...,
What is the 3rd step in the orm p...
20  cards
102 Instructor Fundamentals
State the purpose of the navy tra...,
What is the most essential link i...,
What are the three qualities of a...
30  cards
103 School Management
What is the responsibility of opnav,
What is the responsibility of netc,
What are the learning centers res...
21  cards
104 Training Requirements
State the purpose of a training r...,
State the periodicity of conducti...,
State the roles and responsibilit...
18  cards
113 Non Resident Training Courses
What role does naval education an...,
What is the primary purpose of nrtc,
What does a nrtc have in the rati...
5  cards
109 Training Project Plan (TPP)
State the purpose of a training p...,
Who has initial approval authorit...,
For the below events who approves...
7  cards
105 Occupational Standards
1051 discuss the purpose of occup...,
2 list the primary basis for whic...,
3 explain where the remaining e4 ...
8  cards
106 Training Validation
State the purpose of a job duty t...,
State the roles and responsibilit...,
State the roles and responsibilit...
16  cards
107 Front End Analysis (FEA)
State the purpose of a front end ...,
When is a fea performed,
3 list the triggers of a fea
6  cards
110 Content Development
Discuss the item s developed in p...,
Discuss the items developed in an...,
Discuss the items developed in de...
31  cards
108 Business Case Analysis
State the purpose of a business c...,
Explain the purpose of the execut...,
Describe how strategic alignment ...
9  cards
111 Testing
0  cards
112 PQS
What role does naval education an...
1  cards
114 Acquisitions
What doses naval training systems...,
What document is prepared for tra...,
What is the purpose of a naval tr...
19  cards
115 Training Reporting
State the purpose of impaired tra...,
List the n codes within netc that...,
State who will draft the netc res...
12  cards
201 Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM)
Describe the purpose of authoring...,
Identify the approach aim utilize...,
Discuss how aim ensures training ...
4  cards
202 Content Planning (CPM)
State the purpose of the content ...,
Name the four primary areas withi...,
Identify the primary inputs and d...
3  cards
203 Integrated Learning Environment (ILE)
Discuss and describe the forms of...,
Discuss what navy e learning prov...,
Describe the training received th...
5  cards
Explain the functionality of a ce...,
Explain the functionality of b ce...,
Explain the functionality of c di...
9  cards
MTS First Questions
1011 explain the five step proces...,
1021 state the purpose of the nav...,
1031 list the responsibility of t...
21  cards

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my cards mts

  • Class purpose General learning

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