This class was created by Brainscape user Francois Ehlers. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Back Muscles
Main action of trapezius,
What are the extrinsic muscles of...,
Main action of latissimus dorsi
42  cards
Scapular Muscles
Name the rotator cuff muscles,
Name the scapular muscles,
Main action of deltoid muscle
26  cards
The Axilla
General function
13  cards
The Brachial Plexus
General function
8  cards
Muscles of the Arm
Name the muscles of the posterior...,
Name the muscles of the anterior ...,
Main action of biceps brachii
22  cards
The Cubital Fossa
5  cards
Muscles of Anterior Compartment of Forearm
Main action of pronator teres,
Name the muscles of the anterior ...,
Main action of flexor carpi radialis
33  cards
Superficial Muscles of Posterior Compartment of Forearm
Main action of brachioradialis,
Name the superficial muscles of t...,
Main action of extensor carpi rad...
23  cards
Deep Muscles of Posterior Compartment of Forearm
Main action of supinator,
Name the deep muscles of the post...,
Main action of abductor pollicis ...
17  cards
Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand
Which muscles make up the thenar ...,
Name the intrinsic muscles of the...,
Main action of the abductor polli...
37  cards
The Lumbar Plexus
6  cards
The Sacral Plexus
5  cards
Muscles of the Gluteal Region
Main action of the gluteus maximus,
Name the muscles of the gluteal r...,
Main action of the gluteus medius
29  cards
Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of Thigh
Which muscles make up the iliopso...,
Name the muscles of the anterior ...,
Main action of the psoas major
28  cards
Muscles of the Medial Compartment of Thigh
Main action of the pectineus,
Name the muscles of the medial co...,
Main action of the adductor longus
25  cards
Hamstring Muscles of Posterior Compartment of Thigh
Main action of the semitendinosus,
Name the hamstring muscles of the...,
Main action of the semimembranosus
11  cards
The Femoral Triangle
9  cards
The Popliteal Fossa
5  cards
Muscles of Anterior Compartment of Leg
Main action of the tibialis anterior,
Name the muscles of the anterior ...,
Main action of the extensor digit...
14  cards
Muscles of Lateral Compartment of Leg
Main action of the fibularis longus,
Name the muscles of the lateral c...,
Main action of the fibularis brevis
8  cards
Muscles of Posterior Compartment of Leg
Main action of the gastrocnemius,
Name the superficial muscles of p...,
Main action of the soleus
25  cards
Muscles in the Sole of the Foot
Main action of the abductor hallucis,
Name the 1st layer of muscle in t...,
Main action and innervation of th...
14  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Francois Ehlers's Musculo-Skeletal flashcards for their Stellenbosch University class now!

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