molecular basis of disease(sem 4)

This class was created by Brainscape user * *. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: * *

Decks in this class (28)

Causes of disease
What is aetiology,
What is the meaning of idiopathic,
What is the meaning of sporadic
16  cards
Mechanisms of Disease 1:Cell growth and Cell differentiation (Cellular Pathology)
Cellular Pathology
49  cards
Mechanisms of Disease 2 :Cell Damage and Cell Death
What is the function of necrosis,
Why does necrosis cause inflammation,
What can cause necrosis
41  cards
Mechanisms of Disease During Embryogenesis
0  cards
Stem Cells and regenerative medicine
What are stem cell,
What are the different types of s...,
Describe adult stem cells ascs
46  cards
Overview of Genomic technologies in Clinical diagnosis
What are some different genomic t...,
Describe pcr,
What are the three steps of pcr
33  cards
Cell Culture Techniques
What are primary cell cultures,
What are the methods of isolation,
Describe how we can isolate speci...
15  cards
Flow Cytometry -Introduction and applications
What is flow cytometry,
What is the definition of flow cy...,
What is the definition of flow so...
43  cards
What is microscopy,
What are the different parts of t...,
Describe how we mount the specimen
9  cards
Liquid Biopsies
What are the three types of medicine,
Describe stratification,
Describe personalisation
47  cards
Nutritional Anaemias
What is anaemia,
What is haemoglobin,
What are the elements of blood
64  cards
Haemolytic Anaemias
What is anaemia,
What is haemolytic anaemia,
Describe the variation in blood h...
74  cards
Lab investigation of the Full Blood count and WBC disorders
Where does blood cell production ...,
What are the different types of wbc,
What are the three types of blood...
21  cards
Disorders of blood coagulation
Why does blood clot,
What are the two main processes o...,
Describe blood clotting simply
23  cards
Numerical chromosomal abnormalities
What is mitosis,
What is meiosis,
What are the three stages of the ...
23  cards
Structural chromosomal abnormalities
What are the different types of s...,
What is a translocation,
How can translocation occur
34  cards
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
What are inborn errors of metabol...,
What can iem effects be due to,
What are the four disorders which...
29  cards
Congenital Disease Associated with Central Nervous system
What is neurulation and at what s...,
What does the neural tube form,
What are the three layers of the ...
33  cards
Neurodegenerative Diseases
What does neurodegeneration mean,
What are neurodegenerative diseases,
What are the difference in causes...
40  cards
Mechanisms of Oncogenesis
What are some risk factors of cancer,
Define cancer and what hallmarks ...,
What are some different types of ...
37  cards
Diabetes and Hypoglycaemia
What is glucose and how is the bl...,
What is the role of the liver,
Why is it important to regulate b...
40  cards
Oncogenes and Tumour Suppresor Genes
What are the major functional cha...,
What is an oncogene mutation and ...,
What is a tumour suppressor mutat...
39  cards
Tumour Angiogenesis Invasion and Metastasis
What are the characteristics of m...,
Summarise the key steps in cancer...,
Outline angiogenesis and the diff...
23  cards
Clinical cancer genetics
What are the two types of mutatio...,
What are germline mutations,
What are somatic mutations
27  cards
Introduction to Leukaemia
Define leukemia,
What cells does leukemia affect,
What are hematopoietic stem cells...
33  cards
Introduction to Lymphoma and Myeloma
Define and outline lymphoma,
What are the main functions of th...,
What are the lymph nodes
35  cards
Introduction to Hormone-Dependent Cancers (Breast/Prostate)
What are hormones,
Where are hormones produced,
How can hormones be classified
65  cards
Endocrine disorders
How can we measure hormone levels...,
What is the function of the thyro...,
What is the function of thyroid h...
10  cards

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molecular basis of disease(sem 4)

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