This class was created by Brainscape user robert simmons. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Chapter 30: Care of Patients Requiring Oxygen Therapy or Tracheostomy
What three systems are essential ...,
Hypoxemia vs hypoxia,
O2 content of atmospheric air
7  cards
Lab Tests
Name lab values and indications f...,
Arterial blood gases abgs values ...,
Endocrine glands and their corres...
4  cards
ATI Med-Surg Unit 4 Hematological Systems
What does a bone marrow biopsy do,
Describe the process of blood tes...,
What is a bone marrow biopsy
71  cards
ATI Unit 3 Respiratory
Pulmonary functions tests pfts,
What does an abg measure,
How can an abg be obtained
22  cards
ATI Unit 12, Endocrine - Diagnostic Tests
What are the category of endocrin...,
What hormone does the posterior p...,
What does adh deficiency cause ad...
24  cards
Med-Surg GI ATI Unit 7
What are the types of liver funct...,
Blood tests that have information...,
Urine bilirubin
47  cards
MS Lecture 08.04.2015 Integument
Skin problems,
Process of wound healing,
Partial thickness wounds vs full ...
21  cards
ATI Unit 12 Posterior Pituitary Disorders
What does the posterior pituitary...,
What are the three types of diabe...,
What two drugs can induce diabete...
23  cards
ATI Unit 12 Hyperthyroidism
What 3 hormones are produced by t...,
What do t3 t4 due,
What does calcitonin do
15  cards
ATI Unit 12 Hypothyroidism
What is hypothyroidism,
Classifications of hypothyroidism,
Most at risk group for hypothyroi...
10  cards
ATI Unit 12 Cushings Disease/Syndrome
What is cushings disease syndrome,
What hormones does the adrenal co...,
What are three things to advise s...
9  cards
ATI UNIT Neuro Diagnostics
Cerebral angiogram,
Icp monitoring
6  cards
ATI Unit 2 Meningitis
What is meningitis,
What are the three meningitis vac...,
What is the vaccine against viral...
11  cards
ATI Unit 2 Seizures and Epilepsy
What are the 3 categories of seiz...,
What type of seizure is most comm...,
What is a generalized seizure
7  cards
ATI Unit 2 Parkison's Disease
What is parkinsons disease,
Risk factors for parkinsons,
Manifestations of parkinsons
7  cards
ATI Unit 2 MS, ALS, MG
Ms als mgms,
Ms symptoms,
What is als
8  cards
Electrolyte Imbalances
What are the values for sodium ma...,
What is the major electrolyte in ...,
What are the three main things so...
7  cards

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med surg

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