lpi linux essentials

This class was created by Brainscape user Luke Bakare. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Linux and Open Source
What is the kernel,
What is a linux distribution,
What is a gpl license
13  cards
Package Managers
What is the yum command to look f...,
What is the yum command to get in...,
What is the yum command to get in...
38  cards
Where are alert mail messages sto...,
What is the command to change use...,
What are some desktop environments
7  cards
What is proprietary software,
What is commercial software,
What is shareware software
10  cards
Environment Variables, Aliases
When performing a long listing wh...,
How do you list files directories,
How do you list files directories...
34  cards
Globbing, Quoting and Searching
How do you match zero or more cha...,
How do you match a specified numb...,
How do you match specified charac...
19  cards
Output Redirection, Regular Expressions
What is the command to create a d...,
What is the command to remove an ...,
What is the command to remove a d...
35  cards
Shell Scripting
What should the first line be in ...,
How do you run a script without s...,
How do you evaluate run a command...
15  cards
How do you view cpu info,
What is the command to see ram ut...,
What is the command to get info a...
13  cards
What is the command to view ip ad...,
What is the command to get the de...,
Where are dns servers listed
6  cards
What is the command to view who i...,
What is the command to get the us...,
Where is user account information...
16  cards
File Permissions
What is the syntax that constitut...,
What is the syntax that constitut...,
What is the octal notation associ...
21  cards

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lpi linux essentials

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Luke Bakare's LPI Linux Essentials flashcards now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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