international law (jalloh, spring 2022)

This class was created by Brainscape user Maria Hasbun. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Introduction: What is IL?
What is international law,
The law of nations 1963,
What is the civilized uncivilized...
36  cards
Treaties & Other Agreements
What are the traditional sources ...,
What does it mean to say that the...,
What instruments address the lega...
32  cards
Customary International Law and Soft Law
What are the sources of internati...,
Is there a hierarchy of sources w...,
Where is customary international ...
19  cards
State Formation and Self-Determination
What are the principal actors or ...,
Un and other io have legal person...,
What are some advantages of being...
40  cards
State Responsibility
What are the consequences of a st...,
What does state responsibility co...,
What does state responsibility fo...
5  cards
Accountability of International Organizations
What are internation organization...,
Why do states create internationa...,
How can international organizatio...
30  cards
Units of a Federal State Example
What is the role of territorial u...,
What are the two clear principles...,
What was the human rights situati...
10  cards
Making IL in the U.S.
Il offers two basic theories abou...,
What is monism,
What is dualism
28  cards
Breaking IL
What is the distinction between v...,
Both statutes and treaties are th...,
Congress can pass a law that viol...
13  cards
The Alien Tort Statute
Filartiga v pena irala alien tort...,
Alien tort statute background,
Can us domestic law in particular...
7  cards
Jurisdiction to Prescribe, Adjudicate, and Enforce
What does jurisdiction mean for t...,
What are the three types of juris...,
The case of the ss lotus france v...
22  cards
Sovereign Immunity
0  cards
The U.S., Civil and Political Rights and Torture
Traditionally prior to 1945 what ...,
What are the three related areas ...,
What s the relationship between i...
45  cards
Economic, Social, Cultural Rights and Women's Rights
The international bill of rights ...,
The universal declaration of huma...,
The rights were framed into two d...
21  cards
International Criminal Law
What were the un ad hoc criminal ...,
Why did tadic challenge the power...,
What did the icty appeals chamber...
38  cards
Legitimacy, Authority, the Role of the Security Council and the Future of International Law
0  cards
General Principles of Law
0  cards

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international law (jalloh, spring 2022)

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